Chappie 1) The Audition Lee SaeSae

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SaeSae= SaeJoon and SaeLee
While reading this keep in min that I don't know much about Trainee life or Auditions for this entertainment and I do NOT know any of the workers names I am simply using my imagination and creativity.
Thank you!

"Hey Oppa?" You asked reading an audition flyer,
"Yes Sae? What is that your reading?" Joon asks standing behind you, you turns around with a big smile on your face and hopeful eyes,
"Oppa can we audition? Please? It's next Saturday.... Pretty plea-"
"Yes we can audition, you should've stopped talking so I could answer... Anyway what are you going to Audition with?" Joon asks as he starts to walk away, you quickly take a photo of the flyer and run after your brother, you hold his hand as you slowly walk back to your house,
"What about Younique Unit? Maxstep? We both like that song and group right? And we know the song of by heart all we need to do-"
"-Is practise a bit more... Okay let's do it!" Joon says happily, Joon smiles, you both soon arrive home, you look up at your doorstep and stumble back, your father was home, because of his work you never really got to see him, you let go of Joon's hand and run to hug your father, he hugs back and laughs,
"Well I see you missed me" you father chuckles, you giggle and nod, Joon just walks past into the house, you pout and let go of your father,
"I'll go talk to him... He hasn't been him lately..." You mumble, your father smiles to you and walks inside behind you, you go upstairs to Joon's room, before you enter you sigh and knock,
"Joon? It's me, can I talk to you?" Soon you hear dragging and the door being unlocked, you open the door and walk in, you shut the door behind you and make your way over to Joon's wardrobe, you take your shirt off, throw it on the floor and put on one if Joon's shirts, you turn around and look at Joon, who is lying on the bed staring at the ceiling,
"You know I love you right?" Joon suddenly blurts, you lye down next to him and rest your head on his chest,
"Of course I know that, you know I love you right? More than anything..." You say looking up at him, he nods,
"Why so sudden?" He sighs,
"I... Just incase one of us doesn't get through the auditions..." Joon says quietly,
"I know all about the trainee life, they practise early in the morning till late at night, they don't get much sleep, they don't get to see there family that often and have to live in a dorm with other people they have known for 2 days..." Joon says softly,
"Oppa we will both make it! I can't do it without you, I don't know what I would do without you... If I was a trainee or not..." You say sitting up and crossing your legs,
"Let's not talk about this, you should go greet father, he missed you, then after you do that we can talk more about the audition okay?" You say walking to his door, Joon gets up and walks behind you,
"Okay but Sae?" Joon says as you open the door, you turn around and look at him,
"Yes Joon?" He kisses your forehead and hugs you tightly,
"Thank You... I love you" Joon whispers, you smile an close your eyes as you hug him back,
"I love you too" you softly whisper.

Skip to day of Audition.
"Lee SaeJoon and Lee SaeLee!" A kind older woman called you into the room, when you enter you see 3 judges and a camera, you stand in the centre of the room and bow to the judges,
"Annyeonghaseyo I am Lee SaeJoon and this is my sister Lee SaeLee"
"Today we will be singing Younique Unite's Maxstep" you finish, they nod as start the music.
After you finish the song.
You bow to the judges again,
"That was simply amazing!" Judge 1 said clapping,
"Yes it was one of the best I've seen so far!" Judge 2 said nodding,
"It was good, would you like to sign a contract now?" The 3rd judge asks, you look at SaeJoon and nod,
"We would love to!" You say happily, Joon agrees, the 3rd judge takes you into a different room and hands you both contracts, you both read it and agree to sign, after you signed it you were introduced to your manager her name is MinAe,
"Come with me kids I'll show you to your dorms" MinAe said happily, MinAe is 30 and she is very kind, once we arrived she unlocked it and have us a key, we walked in and saw that there was 8 bedrooms, a BIG lounge room and spacious kitchen and 3 bathrooms,
"What do you think kids? You will of course have other members we just haven't found them yet" MinAe says winking at the both of you, you giggle as nod, you hug MinAe,
"Thank You, Unnie will you be staying with us?" You ask MinAe she shakes her head, causing you to pout,
"I'll be next door if you need anything, that's my dorm I share it with your makeup Unnie's" MinAe says punching your cheeks, you giggle and turn around to look at your brother,
"I told you we would both get in Joon, now we won't have to leave each other, we'll be together forever right?" You ask him, he looks at you and smiles,
"Of course we will, I love you Sae!" Joon says, you run and hug him,
"I love you too!" You whisper to him,
"You guys can move in today if you want" MinAe says,
"Can we?" You ask Joon, he nods,
"Okay let's go tell Appa and Umma then" Joon says holding your hand,
"We'll be back later today is that okay Unnie?" You ask standing in front of her, she nods,
"Oh here is my number call me when you've arrived and I'll get some people to help you move your things" you nod and save her number, you hug her and leave to go home.

When you arrive home.
You walk into the kitchen to see your Umma cooking you sadly smile,
"What's wrong dear?" Your umma asks you, you shake your head,
"Nothing Umma, just Joon and I got accepted into Cube Entertainment and we already signed a contract... Would it be okay if we moved there today?" You ask looking down, your mother hugs you and nods,
"Of course my baby! I'm so proud of you!" You mother whispered to you, you hug her back and cry a little.

After you've packed and loaded Joon's car.
"Goodbye Umma! Goodbye Appa! I love you!" You say kissing there cheeks, you get in the car and start to drive to your dorm, when you arrive you call MinAe-Unnie to tell her, after about 5 minutes 4 men come out and start helping to love your things into the dorm, after 30 minutes everything is in the dorm, you put away most of your things and thanks the men and Unnie before lying on the couch with Joon,
"Well I can't wait to start this Chapter..." You mumble as you close your eyes, Joon nods and hugs you,
"Goodnight Sae.." Joon mumbles into your hair,
"Goodnight Joon" you whisper as you both fall asleep.

Okay I hope that was okay...
Remember this is just the first one!!
Okay with the auditions I'm only going to do the more important ones okay?

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