Bloodline Unleashed

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Third POV

"There he is!"

"Get him!"

"Killed the demon scum!"

The voices of various people echoed through the streets oh Konoha. All filled with hatred, anger, fear, and anxiety as they chased down a person through the village. Armed with pitchforks, torches, some axes, and kitchen knives. Their voices echoes through the village in the night, their torches illuminating the darkness and they spotted their prey. 

A child. 

A child that was no older than 5 years old, was running for his life. Kiss with wild and spiky blonde hair, blue eyes, tan color skin, and his most noticeable feature three whisker mark on each cheek. Dawning a simple blue short and white shit with a red spiral symbol on the back.  His eyes filled to the brim with fear and panic as he run as fast as his little legs could take him. He make a sharp left to an alleyway as he tried to escape the mob that was hunting him down. 

???: ARGH! 

The boy scream in pain as he felt a kunai was imbedded into his calf, making him trip over cause of the pain. The young boy cried as he saw saw blood seep through his leg and soon fear came through as he saw the mob cornering him like an animal. Why. Why are they doing this? He did nothing wrong and yet they treat like trash. Maybe even below that.

???: W-why are you guys doing this? 

The boy pleaded. His eyes held pain, fear, hurt, and slight anger as he looks at the mob. The mob just sneered at him as the boy's eyes even saw some of them held a look of satisfaction on his position. 

"why? Do you really think that we would forgot what you have done! What you have cost us!" 

" Our friends, our family are now gone because of you!" 

"You took my son away!" 

"You demon!" 


"We would be finishing what the fourth had started and bring justice to our village. TONIGHT WE WILL KILL THE DEMONS THAT TOOK OUR LIVES AWAY!"

The mob of villager roared in agreement, as the blondes blue eyes held fear. He can only look at the first villager went in and stabs him in the gut. He scream echoed through the alleyway as the villager smiled at the damage. Soon one after another keep coming, stabbing, slicing, cutting and so on trying to inflict as much damage as they probably can to him. They tortured him and his weak little body trying to keep him alive as much as possible for them to continue to hurt him. 

He was helpless. Powerless to stop them. He couldn't handle it as soon as his vision suddenly turn black. 

(Present day) 

????: "AHHH!"

A cry of pain echoed through the forest as Naruto Uzumaki felt a huge burning sensation in his gut. Years past that the once 5 years old kid had survive the encounter from the villagers at that night and grew up for the next few years. Now wearing a horrible kill-me orange jumpsuit with blue sandals, that able to make him stick out like moon acting like the sun's asshole. The front portion of his jacket was unzipped as his shirt are now torn into shreds and his stomach begin to glow, showing a spiral tattoo on the gut. 

In front of him was a man that had a very ridiculously pale skin. Like for real, man. It is white as white like it was painted onto him or have a lot of white makeup powder that he used. Long slick hair, amber eyes that are slitted like that of a snake. He was wearing an off-white tunic that reaches just pass his ankles, black shinobi pants that are tapped on his ankles, along with standard footwear, a purple rope (I don't know that proper wording for it) tied around his waist that are protruding out on the back, and finally a charcoal black long sleeve shirt.

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