Family History

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Third POV




Naruto's eye started to flatter open as he felt the constant drips of water droplets hit his eyelid, making the blonde groan it discomfort, but suddenly felt like his entire body was partially submerged in water. He blinks several times, shutting them quickly as another water droplet manage to hit his eye.

The blonde felt tired, extremely tired... Like he went inside of a meat grinder over and over again. The blonde groan in dismay as he forced himself to sit up, grabbing his head in the process feeling up a massive headache and a wave of nausia hit him.

Naruto: what the hell just happened...?

Naruto groan as he rubs his head take a good look on where he's at.

Naruto: A sewer? How did I end up here? I swear that I was in the forest a while back... And-

Naruto then screams as he huge spike of headache hit him like a train wreck. Clutching with his hands, feeling the pain course through his head.

Once the pain had died down, Naruto groans again, but this time he had taken it slow and steady to make sure that the pain won't happened again. He groggily stood up, feeling the weight of his jumpsuit cause of the water, and look around the sewer with a confused and disgust expression.

Naruto: However I got here I need to get out fast to get back at Sasuke-teme and Sakura-chan.

Naruto then started to wonder through the sewer, stumbling and nearly falling down to the sewer water as his legs are still pretty weak. Holding on to the walls for support, he continue his way through, grimacing at the feeling of the yellow and green stained walls, while his eyes look at the rusted pipes that seem to run on forever. The feeling of the hard, cold walls, wasn't all that alienating, I mean does live in the streets in a few months so it is nothing new.

(With Sakura)

Sakura panted as she carries Sasuke's unconscious body through he forest. Not stopping her momentum to get away from Orochimaru as far away as possible. She have her kunai drawn out for any potential attackers that would her and her Sasuke-kun.

Sakura; Gotta find shelter for the day. I need to get me and Sasuke-kun out of the forest as possible. Good thing that Naruto-baka bought us some time to escape.

Speaking of the blonde teammate of hers, Sakura could careless about him. He never once was being capable of being of shinobi, no less being a Hokage. Spilling all that stuff of him being one is just hysterical, I mean come on, the blonde is a no good useless piece of filth that is only use for is live bait. A nameless orphan that doesn't deserved to live and should just lay on the ground dead when he was born

And he was nothing short but a monster in a skin suit. And she was glad that he is dead. So the village is free from the demon, Sasuke would become her lover, and NOTHING would stand in her way.

Sakura panted from her continues to run through the Forest of Death. She spotted a tree from the distance. She then went towards it, noticing that it has a decent size field for both her and Sasuke to camp in. She carefully places him down to the tree as she sighs in relief.

Sakura: Perfect.

The pink haired Kinouchi then look at the Uchiha with loving eyes as she traced her finger tk his jawline and then cupping his unconscious face as an unpleasant and creepy smile creep into her face.

Sakura's thought: Soon, Sasuke-kun...we would be together forever. And no one would ever steel you from me away....

Inner Sakura: Just a bit more, and once we made it, we would praise us by giving us his child!

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