Chapter 46

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After that night, Jennie and I planned on talking to Hanbin. Actually it was my idea, and Jennie don't want it, but I push her to do so since I don't want to come out that I steal Jennie or what.

Ella understand a bit of the situation although she's still questioning some of the happenings. Just like now " Daddy, why did Mommy and Mama Lisa kiss? And you do that to Mommy too " I nearly choke on my own food because of Ella's question that earn a few eyes looking at us since we were in a restaurant.

I look at Hanbin, and he look so sad at the same time happy. I really can't point out what is He feeling now.

" Ella! Watch your words. You are too young for that! " Jennie said with a gritted teeth. I just held her arms to calm her down and to let her know that she is talking to a kid.

" Baby/Love " Hanbin and I look at each other. She call Jennie Love while I call Jennie Baby.. that's kinda awkward.

I just cleared my throat and look at Him. He did the same " Ahh s-sorry, I just got used to it " He said and bow. I can't blame him though. 3 years with Jennie isn't that easy to forget. Specially they already leave together since they become a couple, and yes Jennie told me about that, she even told me that Hanbin doesn't push her to do such things that she isn't ready yet which is sex. I felt happy when I found out that I am the first and last that Jennie had, I mean when It comes to you know? Making Love.

" C-Can we get to the point of this meeting already? " Hanbin said that made Jennie and I sigh.

I held Jennie's hand under the table cause I know that she is nervous about this talk.

I cleared my throat before talking " Hmm H-Hanbin, I just wanna tell you that I already know about you cancelling the wedding between you and Jennie.. and I am here, I mean we are here in front of you to tell you that w-we just got back together and I don't want you to think that Jennie just used you or whatever it is cause she didn't. She l-loved you and I hope you understand her decision getting back with me " I didn't know that I said that with just one breathe.

He remained silent for quite a while before He chuckled and look at us.

Pain can be seen through his eyes, and I hate to admit but I pity Him.

" You done? " What he said surprised me that made me widen my eyes. Cause I am expecting Him to punch me or shout at me, telling me that they are fine when I am not here and this only happened when I arrived, but none of it happened. He is so calm that scares me for I don't know what reason.

I felt Jennie's grip on my thigh to tight. I guess she's still nervous, I just held her hand on my thigh to make her feel comfortable.

" H-Hanbin, I am sorry if we end up like this. I-I didn't mean it, I thought I am already over L-Lisa but this happened. I'm still in love with her, and I just can't continue being with you knowing that I'll just hurt the both of us. You deserve so much better than me. You don't deserve what you experienced when we are together. I know I'm such a burden to your life, I am such a pain in the ass. But I am thankful cause despite of all the pain I caused you, you stay, you didn't let me suffer alone, you make me whole again. And yeah, I loved you, and I am happy that I experienced how to be love by you. You can still see Ella don't worry, this kid treat you as her real dad already. Also, I wanna return this to you "

Hanbin is trying to hold His tear not to escape his eyes. I can see how he clench his fist but eventually unclench it slowly along with his tears that escape his eyes when he saw what Jennie gave him.

It's their engagement ring. Jennie returned it to him.

This is so fucking painful to witness to be honest.

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