Chapter 7

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After we ate, I immediately stand up and went to her living room. Why would I leave? We don't have schedule today and it's Saturday.

I felt her stamping her foot behind me, so I look at her, only to see her raising one eye brow while looking at me, not to mention that her arms are crossed below her chest that emphasize her big heart.

" I said go home after you finished eating, why are you still here? " I smirk at her and stand up, she walk backwards slowly, that made me smirk and remember what happened last night.

" Why are you walking backwards Jennie? Are you thinking that I am going to do something to you? Or maybe you wanna continue what we started last night? What do you thin- .. YAHHHHHHH! " I Shouted when I felt her heels landed on my forehead.

" Stop being pervert Ms. Manoban! That's not the only thing will land on your face, next time I'll throw a vase on your face if you won't stop! " I rub my forehead cause it's really painful. I seated again without saying a word to her. As if she didn't moan my name last night! Aish! Girls are always in denial!

" I'll go home, in one condition " I said, since she's still not agreeing to go to New York with me, I guess this is my time to corner her and give her no choice.

" What is it? Just be fair! " She said, she's still behind me, so I can't see her, and I don't want to look at her cause her morning look is so gorgeous, like how on earth does a girl look that pretty when she just woke up?

" Agree on being with me on my Business Trip to New York " I heard her gasp that made me chuckle for a bit. I waited for her answer but then 3 minutes had passed she's still not answering, so I decided to look behind and god, how I wish I didn't look at her.

Her hair is messy and her shirt is a bit loose, which expose her milk skin and her sexy collarbone while biting her lower lip. Seeing her in this kind of state bringing me into a different sensation that I shouldn't be felt towards her. Damn Jennie Kim! Just fucking damn!

I fake a cough that gets her attention. She look intently to me while I can't help not to bite my lower lip while looking at her luscious lips that are inviting me.

" Okay then " My eyes widen in shock and look at her " Okay then? You're coming with me to New York? " She move her head side ways, saying that it's a no. I knitted my brows and stand up, slowly walking towards her, I saw her gulp intently while looking in my eyes.

" Okay then for what Jennie? " I said in a raspy voice.

" O-okay then, l-let's continue what we are about to do last nig- " I didn't let her finish talking. I pinned her to the wall and claimed her lips. Giving her a hard kiss, nibbling on her lower lip and biting it slowly makes me feel so hot that I wanted to strip right now.

I felt her hands behind my head, rubbing my hair and pulling me more closer to deepen our kiss. I separated our face and look at her eyes intently, tucking a few strand of her hair behind her ear and smile a bit. I slowly lean forward, seeing her close her eyes, waiting for our lips to collide when


I opened my eyes, widen in shock cause I can't believe that I daydreamed! What the fuck?!

" What? *Fake cough* A-Anyways I gotta go now. See you on Monday Jennie.... Bye! " I didn't wait for her response and immediately run towards the exit door. Breathing heavily when I enter my car and drove it.

" Oh my god Lisa! Did you just daydream Kissing Jennie? Fuck! But that was hot though. It feels like I really felt her lips against mine.. but ugh! What am I thinking! " I said to myself. I just keep on driving, I don't even know where I am going cause my original plan is to stay in Jennie's house the whole day, but turns out I won't last for more than an hour cause I will surely just humiliate myself and I don't want that to happen.

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