Boys for Sale

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This is based off a gay porn scene yep. Go on xvideos the gay side of course. Type in boys for sale and scroll till you see a boy in a red shirt and a guy behind him and boom there ya go.

Derek knew part of what was happening but he didn't really mind it. See most young teenage boys around his age being 17 years old spent their time watching sports, getting girls and eating if we're being honest. For him though he was gay so he was a bit different.

He wasn't bullied though, instead he was popular and every girl adored him and how innocent he was. He was sweet and joyful and just lovable. Anyone would want him.

Anyone being a specific sex lord named Mike.

Mike was once a trainee to be a obedient submissive but he didn't fit that role so he trained to be a dominant and he was trained by the best. He knew how to please a submissive the right way. He knew how to make them feel small compared to him, how to make them feel as if they owe their life to him.

He went around and traveled finding his brand new subs in Jersey. He already had his closest friends trained to be dominates and had found each of their subs.

His friends names were Kobe Morris, And Tony (Prettyboiballo) . Their subs were Vallyk Pena and Cohen.

Derek was going to be his. He had a watch out for the  boy for a few weeks and finally decided to take him.

Now see Derek and a few gays were well aware of what was happening around Jersey. How two boys went missing at the same time only to return unharmed and demand to leave their parents. No one knew the reason they just knew they needed to be careful.

But he wasn't careful enough seeing the predicament he was in right now. He stood quietly against a wall in a huge basement of a mansion.

The person who had brought him down was gentle and actually nice so he wasn't scared out of his mind like he thought he'd be.

He had been standing there for some time before a man walked in.

Seeing this unknown man for the first time had Derek in awe. Yes he's seen beautiful guys in his time but this specific guy was different. He held such a stern posture and his demeanor was straightforward as if he's telling you to not fuck up without really saying it. Basically his body spoke for his mouth.

"Take my hand baby." Derek was of course hesitant. He didn't know this guy or what this guy was capable of doing . Not wanting to make the guy upset though he took his hand.

"What's your name?." Derek asked as he was directed to a black table in the center of the basement. The setting was a bit dramatic. The basement has very little light, the most light was the one that shun on the black table in the middle of the room. Far from it sat two guys with two boys. The guys were as big as the man that held his hand and he was quite intimidated. There were two boys who sat with respect. They were on there knees with their hands in their laps. The men held a leash that was attached to the collars they wore as well and they looked comfortable so it made Derek a little less jumpy.

Taking a closer look he instantly recognizes the two boys being the two that went missing and returned home just to leave again.

His thoughts were interrupted when his gaze was directed towards the guy.

"I need you to follow directions. The first one being to listen to me when I speak." Blushing the small boy nods his head apologizing.

"My name is Mike but you will call me Sir."

Mike moves Derek to Stand in front of him leaning against his chest.

"I won't hurt you unless you ask, and I won't force anything on you. Just relax."

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