The Third Wheel

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Lila floated through a dark, empty void. Although she wasn't happy about being unconscious, at least it meant she could check on Ford. Concentrating, she moved the fabric of reality, peeling back its layers and scrunching it up, giving her a shortcut and taking her right where she wanted.

"Ah, Ford," she said, a grin on her face as she walked towards him. "How do you like my new form?" She struck a pose, showing off.

Ford glared at her, intelligence blazing in his hate-filled gaze. "My niece and nephew will stop you," he spat at her. Glancing around the empty room, he found a piece of the wall that had broken off and threw it. It hit Lila, and she winced. Ford grinned. "Interesting... you can be killed in this form." He scratched his chin, his eyes alight with mockery. "That's something I can work with."

Lila growled, bleeding from where the small rock had cut into her. "I may be human now," she spat, her fingers beginning to spark with electricity. "But I'm still a demon." She smiled dangerously at him, reaching out with her hands. There was a scream, and the smell of burnt flesh filled the air. "Don't forget who the boss is," she reminded him, her eyes glowing with a sick joy.

Lila gasped as she felt her grasp on the fabric of reality being wrenched out of her hands, plunging her back into a dark abyss, Ford's mocking laughter still ringing in her ears, even as he bled...

Lila's eyes opened, but she quickly shut them, the blinding white of the walls around too much to take. She heard the steady beep of machines around her, and she opened her eyes again. After a couple more tries, she could finally look around. She sat up, lifting her hand. She let out a cry as something poked her. She glanced down at her hand, finding to her horror there was an IV there. She was at the hospital.

"Lily, it's me, Mabel," Mabel said, coming over to her. "You had a pretty bad fall. We're at the hospital right now, you went unconscious." Lila's nostrils flared, and she ripped the IV cord out of her arm, standing up and knocking over several machines. Mabel's eyes widened with alarm. "Lily, calm down, it's ok! They're going to help you!"

"I'm fine," Lila said stubbornly.

"No, you're not," a nurse briskly walked in, pushing Lila back down in the bed and putting the IV in again, strapping her up once more to the various machines. "Not until I say so."

Lila groaned. "Ugh, I'm fine," she gritted out. Lila blinked, surprised, as the nurse picked up a light and flashed in her eyes. "What the-" Lila grumbled, swatting it away. 

The nurse was already done though, efficiently moving to the next task. "Your pupil didn't dilate, you probably have a concussion." She checked several more things, so fast Lila didn't even have time to complain. "Yup, you've got a mild concussion. I'll let you go home, as long as you don't lift anything heavy and take it easy for a day or two."

Lila sighed, disappointed. "Ok..."

Pacifica burst in, her face worried. "Oh my God, Lily, are you ok!? I came as soon as I heard."

Lila waved her hand dismissively, smirking. "I'm fine. Mabel just brought me here because they're paranoid. The nurse treats me like I'm helpless."

"I was worried about you," Mabel objected, looking hurt.

"I'm sorry, Mabel," Lila apologized. "I shouldn't have said that. You were just looking out for me. I guess I'm just angry at that stupid nurse."

The nurse, who had been adjusting the IV cord, rolled her eyes. "I'm right here, you know. Just sign these papers, and then you can be released from the hospital." She turned to Mabel. "You're quite the friend if you deal with her all the time."

Dipper sighed, kicking a stone. "I hope Lily's all right," he commented. 

Bill's face turned guilty. "Yeah..."

Dipper, sensing the tension on Bill's face, instinctively grabbed his hand. "Hey, Bill, it's ok. It's not your fault. It was just an accident."

"Yeah," Kryptos interjected, trying to be part of the conversation. "You didn't know she was there. It could've-"

"Not now, Kryptos," Dipper interrupted him. "I'm trying to tell Bill about a dream I had today, and you're interrupting."

Kryptos sighed, turning away from the two boys, who continued to chat. Ever since they had gotten really close, Kryptos felt like a third wheel. No one ever paid attention to him anymore. Anger welled up inside him. A whole year had passed, and still, they weren't any closer to figuring out what the prophecy meant. It seemed like all anyone was interested in doing was wasting time. Well, Kryptos was going to do something if no one else did. He reached down into his pocket and sighed, comforted by the familiar shape of a dream projector. After Bill had returned and regained his strength, Kryptos had asked him if he could grab some materials from dimensions out of his hat. 

Bill had agreed. It'd taken a long time, because Bill hadn't been back to one hundred percent, but it was finally completed. Returning to the Mystery Shack, Kryptos climbed into his bed, wanting answers and to get away from his problems in the waking world. With a sigh, he sank into a deep, welcoming sleep...

A/N: Again, sorry, not much went on in this chapter, other than at the end with Kryptos, which is going to play a pretty big role. If you liked this chapter, please consider giving it a vote. Thank you so much for reading! If you have any questions about the plot so far, please feel free to let me know! Have a wonderful holiday!

Thanks, a geek.

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