Jongsang (angst with fluff at the end) ~Talk to Me~ pt.1

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"Wooyoung, that is the most stupid thing I've ever heard you ask all day."

"It was a genuine question! Is it one butt or two?" the shorter asked, genuinely confused. "Like, is it one or two...or two buttcheeks and one butt? And what about breasts!?" The other couldn't do anything but look at the younger like he had lost his mind.

Yeosang and his best friend, Wooyoung, were standing at their lockers, clearly having a rather interesting conversation. It was near the end of the school day and all Yeosang wanted to do was go home.

His boyfriend had all day-detention that day, so he couldn't see him in any of his classes and had to wait until the end of the day to see him. Yeosang didn't like the fact that his boyfriend was always in trouble. He would talk to him multiple times about it, but with little success. Now, it doesn't mean that his boyfriend didn't at least try to do better, but a lot of the times it was hard for him. All he knew was fighting; that's how he grew up, and Yeosang always tried to do his best to understand that, but it wasn't easy.

"I don't even want to-" Yeosang tried to respond, until he was interrupted by a girl walking up to him and his friend.

"Sang, your boyfriend is fighting again" the girl said nonchantly, with one of her hands on her hips. At this point, almost everybody was used to this kind of thing so it didn't surprise them anymore.

"Are you serious?" the latter said, already knowing the answer.

The girl nodded. "Yeah, with Jin. You know those two have always had it out for each other."

Yeosang sighed, running his hand through his hair. This just had to happen didn't it? "Okay. Thank you for letting me know Sena. Wooyoung I-"

"Yeah I know. It's fine, just make sure he doesn't hurt anybody or himself" the friend said before the other had a chance to finish his sentence, already knowing what he was going to say. "Do you want me to come with you?"

"No, that's alright. I'll text you later to update you, k?" The shorter just nodded, knowing that his friend had a place to be right now.

Without saying anything else, Yeosang left, trying to find where this fight that he was informed about was. It didn't take him that long to find it, as when he was walking the halls, he saw a swarm of students crowding something that obviously caught their attention. Yeosang approached the crowd, trying to see what was happening on the inside. It was then, when he saw Jongho on top of a male, beating him senseless with his fists. The sight of it was sickening, blood covering both of the males faces and Jongho's knuckles. Yeosang was going to go up to collect his boyfriend, but a few students had the same idea, deciding that the two had gone at it for long enough, so they pushed their way through the crowd to pry the boys off of each other. That's when Yeosang chose that it was the appropriate time to go up to collect his boyfriend, who was currently being held back by two other boys.

"Jongho! What the hell was that!" the older yelled, as the boys let his boyfriend go, seeing that he was furious and they did not want to have to see that. Yeosang was a sweet person with an angelic face, but when he was mad, it's best to steer clear of him.

Jongho didn't answer. It was almost as if he didn't even see the other in front of him, let alone speak to him. His angry face was focused on the male that he was fighting, who had a sinister grin spread across his face, as if that was his way of saying 'look what I made you do, and your boyfriend doesn't look too happy either'. Jongho then looked slightly over to see his boyfriend standing there, his expression immediately softened. Without waiting another second, he grabbed the other's hand and took him out of the school and into the parking lot where his car was.

Yeosang tried to tug his hand away. "Jongho." The other didn't respond. The older yanked his hand away from the his boyfriend's grasp. Jongho looked back, feeling the loss in his hand, to see the shorter staring at him. They were standing a couple of feet away from Jongho's car.

"Jongho. Are you going to answer me or just pretend like I'm not here?" he asked with his arms crossed.

"I'm sorry Sang," the male let out a sigh "what was your question?"

"I asked you what was all of that about back there, you know, the whole beating a guy to a bloody pulp. And look at you! You look like you've been killed and brought back from the dead."

"It doesn't matter anymore, just leave it" the taller responded, not wanting to get deeper into the topic, but the other wasn't having it.

"No Jongho" Yeosang said sternly. "We've talked about this, you told me that you were going to try to stop with the fighting" he looked at the younger with a softer face, trying not to get too mad and having it result in making things worse.

The taller slowly walked over to Yeosang and gently grabbed the sides of his face, staring him deep into the eyes.

"I'm sorry Sang" he said regretfully. "Can we just go to my appartment?"

The older looked up into Jongho's eyes, debating if he actually wanted to go with him after he dodged his question. He knows the other is a reserved person, just like himself, and doesn't like sharing his thoughts or feelings. Jongho would rather keep them inside rather than telling someone, and he knew that it was detrimental to his well-being, but he honestly almost didn't care enough.  Little did he know, Yeosang would try to pry it out of him later to get the answers he was searching for.

"Fine" he responded, playfully fiddling with the other's hair. "But only because you look like shit."

Jongho gave a smile to the latter before placing a small kiss on his head. The pair headed to Jongho's car, starting it up and leaving the parking lot, to proceed to the younger's house.

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