Yungi (slight angst, steamy, fluff) ~No Regrets~ pt.2

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Mingi woke up from his sleep to see that it was some daylight showing through the window. After twisting and turning for long enough, he decided that there was no chance of him going back to sleep so he just figured he should wake up fully. He rubbed his face to wake himself up a bit more and clear his vision, before grabbing his phone.


The man then remembered the events that took place last night, and a small smile appeared in his face. He pulled himself up from the couch and went to his room to go see if the other was awake. He approached the door, opening it slightly, just in case the man wasn't decent. But instead of seeing Yunho, he was met with an empty, made up bed. Mingi felt a painful tingling feeling in his chest.

Where did he go? Did he leave? the man asked himself internally.

He walked over to the bathroom door, knocking lightly on it to see if someone was inside. But nothing.

He knew it. He knew it was too good to be true. He always felt like he was getting left behind, and it hurt. Yunho could have just had somewhere to be right now, but Mingi was a bit hurt that he didn't get a note or anything from him. Maybe the other didn't feel the same way as he felt about him. Well, there was nothing he could do now.

He let in and out a few breaths, before going to the kitchen. He wasn't in the mood to eat, but the loud noises emitting from his stomach told a different story. He had proceeded toward the doorway that led into the kitchen, when it hit him. The sweet and savory smell of food. He walked in further, seeing a tall, pink haired figure setting food on two plates.

Yunho turned around, feeling a presence behind him. "Oh hey, you're awake" he said smiling sweetly.

Mingi didn't respond. He was somewhat stuck in this moment in time. Yunho was still here and even cooking them breakfast.

"Mingi? You ok?"

Mingi released himself from his state of shock. "You stayed" he breathed out.

"Of course I stayed. Did...did you not want me to? I could leave if you want" the older said, a bit sad and confused.

"No that's not it. I didn't expect you to stay, that's all. I actually thought you left when I didn't see you in my room."

"I mean, even if I didn't stay, I would've left you an explanation or something. I do like you Mingi, please know that" the man said, with big eyes.

Mingi walked up to the other, putting his hands on his cheeks. Yunho knew what the latter was aiming for, and gave into him. It didn't take long before their lips were on each other's. They kept the kiss as sweet as they possibly could, feeling each other's smiles. Yunho let out a hum as they pulled away from the kiss, him sneaking in another quick peck before they pulled away entirely.

"We should eat before the food gets cold."

Mingi kissed the other's forehead. "Let's eat then."

They were now sat at the table, enjoying the meal that Yunho had prepared. It was silent for the most part, except for when Mingi would compliment the food. Even though the two weren't talking, the silence was a very comfortable one, them just eating and enjoying being around each other.

Yunho looked up from his plate to look at the other, who was still eating. "Do you think we're going too fast?" he asked suddenly, breaking the silence. It was Mingi's turn to look up from his plate.

"I-I don't feel like we are. I mean, you're only eating at my house and stayed over for one night. What, do you feel like we're going too fast?" he responded, confused.

"I personally don't, no. It's just that we just met, we already have these feelings for each other after one night. I've already slept over at your place, slept in your clothes, and we had a hardy make out together. Not to mention, you and your boyfriend just broke up not too long ago. I just don't want you to feel like you'll regret anything later on because you don't know much about me or because you suddenly feel like you don't want to be in a relationship" Yunho answered honestly.

Mingi sighed, reaching his hand over the table to grab Yunho's. "Yunho, I have never felt this way about someone before. I thought my ex was everything to me, but maybe I had an attachment to them because they were my first boyfriend. I really think I was in denial the whole time that are relationship was falling apart because I didn't want to be alone. Sure, I don't know much about you, but from what I have seen, is that you're a genuine, kindhearted, and gentle person. You were kind enough to make me feel better while I was drinking my pain away at that bar. You talked me down back to earth, and I thank you for that. I may not know what your favorite color is, your occupation, or anything truly personal about you, but we have time to get to know each other. And plus, I told you, I don't regret anything we've done." Mingi was looking Yunho in the eyes, letting him know that he was sincere about every word that just came from his mouth. 

Yunho was all smiles. "Every color."

"Huh?" the blond questioned.

"That's my favorite color, every color."

Mingi just grinned. "God, you are so adorable."


"Wait wait wait, let me get this straight" Mingi said through a fit of cackles. "You, Jeong Yunho, really put a tic tac up your nose because you thought it would clear up your sinuses ?"

The two were sharing stories of themselves to get to know each other more. Clearly, it was going better than expected.

"Umm is that judging I'm hearing?" the other responded, sarcastically shocked. "I was 7 okay! Cut me some slack here."

Mingi just continued to laugh, until he eventually calmed down. "It just doesn't seem like something you would do, does sound pretty smart now that I think about it."

Yunho just rolled his eyes and smiled. He was finally feeling more secure about this whole thing. Like Mingi, he didn't have any regrets when it came to the other, but he did want to make sure that Mingi was feeling it just as much as he was. And that, he was sure of. He had learned quite a lot about Mingi over the past couple of hours, the both of them going back and forth, sharing stories and essential information about each other.

They both could feel the sparks flying when they were around each other, and they couldn't wait to see how far their relationship could be taken.

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