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mattynorm: hey

lance-o-lot: what happened yesterday?

mattynorm: annoying brother got my mom in a bad mood. know the feeling?

lance-o-lot: sure do. except its my sister, no brother here

mattynorm: brothers suck

lance-o-lot: sisters are worse

mattynorm:ive gotta go, nice chat laddy
lance-o-lot: stop with the lad and laddy please?

mattynorm: lol ok bye

lance-o-lot: bye

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logging out....

  Matthew's POV

  There was a ring of a doorbell and Kyle reached it before I was halfway out my door frame. "Hey Kyle, um, i-is Matt home?" a voice asked. It was obviously Lucas. "No, he's out at the skate park," Kyle lied. That little bitch. I ran to the front door and Kyle frowned, walking back to his room. "He lied, in case you were wondering where I came from," I said awkwardly. Niice Matt, good cover.

  "Yeah, uh... Um, so there's this new restaurant a couple blocks from here. It's kinda hidden and I know the owner. I was wondering maybe if you wanted to join me for lunch?" I nodded and slipped on my shoes.

  It was a nice place, really it was. Jesus, my life is so boring. Lucas stayed really close. It wasn't until he kissed me in the restaurant, staring some waiter in the eye as he did, I realized he using me to ruffle some dude's feathers. I shoved him off me and stormed out. "Matt, wait." He ran after me.

  "What the hell Lucas? Were you checking him out?" I said. "What? No. Matty, I would never do that." I was close to shedding tears of frustration. "Then why were you staring at him?" I objected. "It was a fling. It was nothing."

  "You ass. You're trying to make him jealous." "I'm not. I swear!" I looked at him. He sighed. "Fine, yeah, okay? He dumped me and I was trying to make him jealous." I shook my head, wiping my eyes.

  "Take me home. Actually no. I'll walk you jerk!" I started walking. "Matt let me take you home. Ple-" "Just leave me alone."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2015 ⏰

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