Ain't a normal day, until later on(Zalex)

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No one's POV

What's a normal day? Well, everyone calls Charli a squirrel, Alex and Zach flirt, Jade and Alex flirt, ect. However, today isn't a normal day. Everyone was fighting, except Alex and Zach. Alex and Zach watched as the others fought over cookies that Alex ate. No one knew Alex ate the cookies, they thought Sora ate them.

"I didn't eat them!" Sora yelled.

"Yes you did!" Jade yelled. Charli pounced on Sora, causing him to yelp.

"Why did you eat the cookies!?" Charli yelled.

"I didn't!" Sora yelled.

"I'm going to our room, coming, Alex?" Zach asked.

"Yeah." Alex said. Her and Zach went to their room.

"Did you see who actually ate the cookies?" Zach asked.

"Yeah, I ate them." Alex said.

"You little punk." Zach said, laughing a bit.

"I know." Alex said giggling. Alex hugged Zach. "I love you."

"I love you too, Kitten." Zach said hugging Alex back. Suddenly, the sound of glass breaking and Sora yelling echoed from downstairs. "Aww, dang, let's go check it out."

"Carry me." Alex said. Zach chuckled and picked Alex up, bridal style, and carried her downstairs to see what the racket was about.

"You are a b-" Jade started before getting interrupted by Zach.

"Jade, don't finish that sentence!" Zach yelled, but of course, not loud enough to hurt Alex's ears.

"Sorry..." Jade mumbled.

"Good. Now, I know who actually ate the cookies, but you have to figure it out. And no, it wasn't Sora." Zach said.

"Was it Charli?" Drake asked.

"No." Zach said.

"Drake?" Light asked.

"Nope." Zach said.

"Jax?" Jade asked.

"No." Zach said.

"Light?" Jax asked.

"Nope. You'll never get it at this point." Zach said.

"Can we play twenty questions to figure out who it was?" Charli asked.

"Sure." Zach said, he winked at Alex and she giggled.

"Is the culprit a girl?" Jax asked.

"Yes, 19 questions left." Zach said.

"Does the culprit have the same color hair as their clothes?" Light asked.

"Nope. 18 left." Zach said.

"I'd like to come to a conclusion." Charli said.

"Go ahead." Zach said.

"Is the culprit Jade?" Charli asked.

"Nope." Zach said.

"ALEX!?" Everyone but Alex and Zach yelled.

"Yup, but you're not going to do ANYTHING to her!" Zach said. Alex held onto Zach tight, afraid the others would do something anyway. Zach noticed and held Alex closer to him. "If anyone lays a finger on her, I'll make sure you wake up next month!"

"Okay!" Everyone but Alex, Sora and Zach said, afraid.

"Good. Now that that's settled, I'll make more cookies, but tomorrow because I don't think Alex is going to let go of me." Zach said, chuckling.

"I don't think so either, honestly. But I'm still mad she ate the cookies." Charli said.

"Remember what I said, Charli." Zach said.

"I remember!" Charli said, scared.

"Good." Zach said. "Now, go to your rooms, Alex and I will order pizza for dinner."

"Okay." Jade said. Jade dragged Drake to their room, as the others went to their rooms, except Sora, the poor boy was knocked out.

"I would carry Sora to his room, but I'm carrying you." Zach said to Alex.

"Then call Jax down to carry him to his room." Alex said.

"Alright, Kitten." Zach said. "Hey Jax! Come here for a moment!" Zach yelled up. Jax came down.

"What now?" Jax asked.

"Carry Sora to his room." Zach said.

"Why can't you do it?" Jax asked.

"I'm carrying Alex." Zach said.

"Fair point. Fine, I'll carry him to his room." Jax said as he walked to Sora to carry him to his room. Jax carried Sora to his room and then went to his own.

"Good, now Kitten, let's get to our room so we can order those pizzas." Zach said. Alex giggled and buried her face into Zach's chest. Zach blushed and carried Alex to their room. Zach sat on his and Alex's bed, still holding her, and called up the pizza place. He ordered the pizza and hung up. "Alright, Kitten, what do you want to do while we wait?" Zach asked.

"Can we just take a short nap? I'm tired." Alex said and Zach chuckled.

"Go ahead and rest, Kitten, I won't let anyone disturb you. I'll text Drake to get the pizza when it arrives." Zach said soothingly. Alex giggled and Zach laid down with Alex on top of him. Alex closed her eyes and soon drifted off to sleep. Zach played with Alex's hair. Jade ran into Alex and Zach's room.

"Alex!" Jade yelled.

"Shhhh! She's asleep!" Zach whisper/yelled.

"Oh, sorry." Jade whispered.

"What do you want?" Zach whisper/asked.

"I'll wait, bye Zach." Jade whispered.

"Bye." Zach whispered. Jade left and Zach continued to play with Alex's hair. Drake came in Zach and Alex's room.

"Hey bro." Drake said.

"Hey Drake, be quiet because Alex is sleeping." Zach whispered.

"Okay, but did you order the pizza?" Drake whisper/asked.

"Yes I did, can you get them when they arrive?" Zach whisper/asked.

"Of course, bye Zach." Drake whispered.

"Bye Drake." Zach whispered. Drake left and Zach smiled as he looked down at Alex. Zach soon drifted off to sleep with Alex still on him.


Zach woke up and saw Alex was still asleep. Zach smiled and played with her hair again.

"I love you, Kitten." Zach said and kissed Alex's forehead. Alex smiled in her sleep. Zach heard a bang on a wall, and wanted to investigate, but Alex was still asleep. Zach sighed and stayed still. Another loud bang echoed through the house and it woke Alex up. Zach got mad and got up with Alex still in his arms. Zach ran to where the noise was coming from and kicked the door open. "Who woke Alex!? You better fess up before I hurt all of you!" Zach yelled.

"I didn't mean to. I'm sorry." Jade said.

"You're lucky I'm nice. Next time it will lead to someone getting hurt." Zach said and carried Alex back to their room. Zach laid back down. "Go back to sleep, Kitten." Zach said soothingly. Alex smiled and soon fell back to asleep. Zach smiled and soon fell asleep himself.

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