Lightning Strikes (Light x Sora)

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Warning: Sad

"C'mon, Light, you scared?" Jaxx asked.

"No! I'm not!" Light said angerly. Light has been constantly teased ever since he was startled by thunder.

"Then prove you're not scared by going outside, in the thunderstorm." Jade said.

"Fine!" Light said. Light walked towards the front door.

"Light, you don't have to do this." Sora said.

"Sora, I do, or everyone is going to make fun of me for the rest of my life." Light said calmly. Sora hugged Light tightly.

"Just be careful." Sora said tearing up, afraid that Light would get hurt.

"Don't worry, Sora, I'll be fine." Light said before giving his blue haired boyfriend a soft kiss. "I promise." Light said. Sora smiled softly before letting go of Light, trusting him. Light walked outside. "See? I'm not sc-" Light said before being struck by a bolt of lightning.

"Sh*t!" Alex yelled.

"Someone call an ambulance!" Charli exclaimed.

"F*CK ALL OF YOU! BECAUSE OF YOU, MY BOYFRIEND WAS STRUCK BY LIGHTNING!" Sora yelled and ran to Light. "Light! Light! Please be okay! Please! I need you!" Sora yelled, holding Light's body close. An ambulance arrived not long after. Sora was allowed to go with Light on the ambulance.

"Sora, I'm sorry to say, but your boyfriend isn't going to make it." Dr. Ferrin said.

"What?!" Sora yell/asked. Tears were streaming down Sora's face.

"You may say your last goodbyes." Dr. Ferrin said.

"Okay." Sora said, sniffling. Dr. Ferrin led Sora to Light's hospital room.

"Go ahead, I'll be waiting outside the room." Dr. Ferrin said. Dr. Ferrin walked out of the room, leaving Light and Sora alone. Sora slowly walked up to Light.

"Hey, Light. I love you, and I missed you, everyone missed you, and will miss you, but I don't think I'll be able to get over you leaving. I need you, Light. I don't want to see you go." Sora said, holding Light's hand. Light slowly opened his eyes. "Light?!"

"Sora...? Please remember... I love you with all my heart and soul... I will never leave you... I'll stay with you... In your heart... I love you... And I always will... I want you to have my... My gummy worms and sprite... Please don't forget me..." Light mumbled. A tear slowly made it's way down Sora's cheek. Light shakily wiped the tear away with his thumb. "I love you... Goodbye..." Light mumbled before closing his eyes. Light took his final breath, and that sent Sora over the edge. Sora burst out into tears, and held onto Light's limp body.

I guess... Lightning Strikes

Thanks for reading, and sorry it was so sad, I was just in the mood to write something sad.

Imma start doing something new when I finish a oneshot/chapter in any story, here it is.

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