Wake Up (Stay pt 2)

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⚠️Trigger Warnings: Death, sadness⚠️
Characters: Gilbert Beilschmidt (Prussia), Ludwig Beilschmidt (Germany), Ada Beilschmidt (Bavaria), mentions of Luther Beilschmidt (HRE)
Word Count: 932 words

"Even if the sky is falling"

After his little brother died, everything seemed to go downhill. Everyone around him could tell just how much this affected him. That bright gleam in his crimson eyes was replaced with a dull look, making him appear close to dead. It was rare to see him smile, to hear that laugh that so many people used to think of annoying but now found themselves missing. It was hard for them to look at him the few times he’d come out of the bedroom. Dark circles were always visible under his eyes which were bloodshot from how he’d been crying.

"And the sun don’t wanna shine"

The entire world seemed to lose its color. It used to be so full of color but now, without the light in his life, it all looked as though it was viewed under the cover of darkness. There was too much grey, barely tinted by the colors that he knew he was supposed to see. That was one of the many reasons he kept himself locked in his room. There wasn’t much color in the room to begin with. Plain, off-white walls and ceiling, grey carpeting, and black sheets. He liked it that way. It was easier to tell himself that everything was ok.

"If the stars we used to wish on disappear into the night"

It had been so long since he’d been outside at night, feeling the chilly night air on his pale skin as he laughed and wished with the little blonde. The stars were sealed behind his window, hidden by the curtains. He did his best to ignore the temptation to see the stars by sleeping despite having his dreams tainted by his little brother’s screams and sobs of pain. Ever since Luther died, he hadn’t been able to get the look of pain out of his memory, knowing he had been useless to help.

"I can move mountains"

The thing everyone had been the most afraid of was when the time came for Gilbert to fight. However, they found that the albino's grief had only made him a terrifying opponent in battle. Red eyes were dull, not giving away any emotion the man might be feeling. The slashes of his sword were quick, precise, just as they'd always been. But now Gilbert felt as though he had nothing to lose. He would throw himself into the heat of battle without any hint of fear. There was nothing to hold him back.

"But only by your side"

It was true that he had nothing to hold him back. That fact was a double edged sword. Nothing stopped him from dropping his fear to the side and forgetting about it. He could fight without needing to worry about what his brother would think if he came home covered in his own blood. But he also didn't have that fear to keep himself safe. He became reckless, gaining fatal wounds every other battle. It didn't scare him anymore. He no longer had that little brother who would look up at him with such adoration he thought his heart would burst. He no longer had to worry about waking up to see two terrified blue eyes looking at him and a brother that would cry out "I thought you'd never wake up!" He didn't need to worry anymore. He wished he did.

"Just say you’ll always be there"

There had been talk of the unification of the Germanic states. Everyone was talking about who would inherit the name of Germany. They all wanted it for the same reason. More land means more power. It was only when Ada spoke up with an idea that made Gilbert's breath catch in his throat. "Give the name to Luther." She'd said. "His body hasn't decomposed yet. Why should we give an existing nation more power when we can start over with a new one?" Gilbert had to fight back the tears that wanted so badly to spill over at the thought of getting his little brother back.

"I know you’ll always be there"

It worked. Gilbert had watched as his other brothers and sisters faded away, standing around Luther's body. They had already decided that his new name would be Ludwig. It was painful to watch as Ada sent one last glance back at him before fading fully. He bit back the tears. He didn't want to cry anymore. He couldn't cry. He wouldn't let himself. Seeing those blue eyes flutter open made his heart leap into his throat. The salty drops that slipped down his cheeks went unnoticed as he rushed to his brother's side, gently taking his hand. He made a silent promise that he'd protect him this time. He wouldn't lose his little brother. Not again. He couldn't fail again.

"And so will I"

Germany's voice broke. Tears marked his cheeks as he looked down at the albino. He knew his older brother wouldn't be able to hold on forever and it was almost better when the screaming stopped and the Prussian went limb. Sobs overtook the blonde as he wrapped his arms around his brother, pulling him to his chest. He could feel his world crashing around him, his hand running through the soft white hair. As he placed a kiss to Gilbert's head, he was met with the scent of strawberries that always seemed to linger on the albino. He collapsed down on his side, still holding Gilbert close. Only a few words managed to slip past his lips through his tears. "Why did you have to leave?"

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