Change Of Plans

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⚠️Trigger Warning: Gunshots, f slur, brotherly betrayal, WWII time period, implied concentration camps, blood, abuse, dehuminization⚠️
Characters: Unnamed German soldiers, Gilbert Beilschmidt (Prussia), Ludwig Beilschmidt (Germany)
Word Count: 1004 words

“Sir, you’re being called for by Commander Beilschmidt.” The soldier approaching the albino was a lovely distraction from his thoughts of how the battles would progress. Gilbert nodded, running his fingers through his hair and straightening his uniform before getting up from his seat and starting to head to his little brother’s tent. What could his little brother possibly want from him? He knew how busy Gilbert was trying to organize the troops.

“Brother? I was told that you wanted to see me, may I come in?” He called out once he’d arrived. Once he got confirmation, he walked in, looking around at the other soldiers in the room. “Luddy, what's going on?” He questioned skeptically, keeping his guard up as the soldiers came around behind him, essentially surrounding him.

Ludwig only watched the soldiers closely, his hands folded behind his back and a stern look on his face. “Gilbert, I’ve had multiple people come to me complaining about having you as their General.” He said simply, watching crimson eyes narrow. “You’re not aryan. It’s setting a bad example to have an albino faggot running our troops. I’m calling for your immediate removal.”

The prussian was speechless, gawking at his little brother’s decision. “Immediate removal? What the fuck is wrong with you?!” He snapped angrily, shoving off the soldiers that tried to grab him. “I’m the one who fucking built this country! Germany wouldn’t fucking exist if it wasn’t for me!!” He knew he couldn’t deny the accusation, he was definitely gay and his brother knew it. “You really think you can do this to your older brother? I’m the Kingdom of Prussia for fuck’s sake!”

“That’s enough!” His brother snapped, shutting him up. “The Kingdom of Prussia doesn’t exist anymore. You are Eastern Prussia. Soon you may not even be that. I will not allow you to command my troops any longer and that is final.” Cold blue eyes glared at him, breaking his heart. “You are nothing. You’re completely expendable. We don’t need you.” There was a brief pause in his words. “I don’t need you.”

That was it. That was what broke him. “You fucking ass!! Have I done nothing for you in the past several decades?!” He was trembling now, trying to keep his calm, trying not to completely break down. He couldn’t be weak, not now. The soldiers grabbed him by the arms and shoulders, trying to pull him away from his brother. They were easily thrown off and Gilbert lunged at the German across the tent from him. He was overwhelmed with the pain in his chest, blooming from his dear brother’s words that stabbed daggers into his already scarred heart.

The feeling of a hand around his throat shocked the albino and he cried out in pain as gunshots rang out and bullets tore through his body. Blood red eyes looked down at his body as his airflow was taken away. There were two bullets through his stomach and he could feel three more in his back. Ludwig held a gun in his right hand and his left hand was holding his older brother firmly around his throat. The albino was held for a second or two before he was thrown to the ground, coughing hard to try and get air back into his lungs. “Pathetic.” He said bitterly, kicking Prussia hard in the stomach. “Take it away. I don’t want to look at it anymore.” He turned away as his brother was grabbed again and pulled roughly from the ground.

“What the hell happened to you?” Gilbert choked out, tears marking his cheeks as he glared at the person who he’d devoted his entire life to. He didn't even bother trying to pull away again. He could feel blood pulsing from his bullet wounds, soaking his uniform. “I’ve done so fucking much for this entire goddamn army. You really think-” He was cut off by a hard slap against his cheek. His head snapped to the side from the force of it and only a second later a hand was in his hair, tugging sharply to make him look at those cold blue eyes. Were they always that dark?

Finally, recognition barely sparked in Ludwig’s eyes when fear showed on Gilbert’s features. It was like a weak attempt to start a fire, lighting for half a second before dwindling. He tugged sharply again. “You really need to learn how to stop talking.” He said lowly. “I don’t need to think anything. I know that you’ve grown weak. There’s no place for weakness here.” With one more punch to the albino’s stomach and a cry of pain from the one he used to call his brother, he let go of the white locks. “Get rid of it. Put it with the other imperfections.”

With that, Prussia was dragged away, leaving behind drops of blood that mirrored the color of his broken eyes. It was all too much. Everything seemed to overwhelm him and he felt sick. He couldn’t get that frozen glare piercing into his already bleeding heart. Who was the man who stole those innocent blues, looking up at him with such adoration nothing else mattered. Oh how drastically that changed in only 70 years. He just wanted his little brother, not whatever monster hid in his body. The stares he was dragged past didn’t even register in his head. He was too busy trying to make sense of what had just happened. He stayed obedient even as he was shoved roughly into the back of a van. At some point during the trek through the camp he must have been handcuffed because he wasn’t able to catch himself and his shoulder and head hit hard against the metal floor. He was only able to get one more glimpse of the outside before the doors closed and he was left in darkness. At that point, he couldn’t hold anything back. All his fear and anguish broke through the dam that had been built for centuries. He screamed.

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