new home

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Home life was much more different than before, for obvious reasons. Shōyō often found himself accidentally scraping the wall with his new wheelchair and bumping in the far too big furniture for them now. Their house would need to have tremendous changes to accommodate the newly-disabled mother and son duo, whilst simultaneously letting Natsu, the youngest child, live her life as normally as possible.

Over the time span of two months after Shōyō progressed with his physical therapy, they contacted the local council and whilst working with them, a new house was suggested. It had larger doorways which would help accommodate the wheelchairs easier, and since they were now entitled to certain benefits, the council helped them get equipment to make their lives easier.

They were able to move in rather soon to determine what sort of changes they would need to the house and the cost of everything. Of course, the council arranged for people to help move their luggage to the new house.

It was like a new start for the three of them.

To say the least, they found it hard without Mr Hinata. He was the backbone of the family's income, and though Mrs Hinata (otherwise known as Sumiko, or Sumi) also worked, she earned much less than him and worked evening shifts whilst Mr Hinata was at home to look after the kids. She looked after them in the mornings, and he did so in the evenings.

The new house was eerily silent as the three stood there, unmoving. Their eyes locked on the new house. Natsu sat on her mother's lap as Shōyō and Sumiko shared looks, watching as the movers started pulling boxes out of the vans. Sumiko pushed the joystick of her electric wheelchair forward, and it started moving towards the ramp that was installed a few days prior.

Shōyō, on the other hand, started pushing the wheels of his wheelchair forward manually. He preferred it. He felt that it gave him more control and he didn't feel lazy or useless whenever he was moving around. Plus it was foldable. When he reached the intersection between the ramp and the stairs, he chose the stairs.

Pushing forward to reach the stairs, he gripped the handrail and pulled himself up, before turning around and picking up the wheelchair. He quickly trudged up the stairs, fighting to keep his knees from knocking together, wheelchair in hand before walking into the house and taking his seat back in his wheelchair. His mother followed suit by entering the house with Natsu, and they started exploring.

Immediately they found problems here and there. Even though the doorways were wider as expected, the large wooden doors were becoming a problem. However, Natsu stood on Sumiko' slap and opened the door with her small hand, pushing it open so they could go through it.

It led to the living room, and Shōyō noticed the furniture was a bit too close together for his mother's wheelchair, so he pulled himself to stand and started pushing it apart from more so she could pass.

"Natsu, Shōyō, do you wanna go pick out your rooms first? I'll look around the house more and see if there needs to be changes."

The two siblings smiled and nodded whilst Natsu started running out of the living room into the hallway whilst Shōyō stood and folded his wheelchair. He carried it out of the room as he jogged to reach Natsu quicker. By the time he reached her, she was already hopping in excitement in front of an open door.

"Shōyō-nii! I want this one!" She announced with a grin on her face as she finally entered the room and jumped on the bed. It was a pretty basic room, in all honesty. A plain bed frame, white walls, not much furniture; but Natsu must've seen some potential in it so he was glad.

"Natsu I'll have the room opposite yours, okay?" He looked towards the door that was directly opposite Natsu's. She jumped off the bed and ran to his side, holding his hand as he opened the said door and walked inside the room. It was of similar size, which was still quite big for a kids bedroom. Most features were the same as Natsu's room. He took a seat on his bed and started talking with Natsu.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2021 ⏰

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