C is for China with Disease of the Brain

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 And with that, Oliver took China's voodoo doll and threw it on the ground, ramming it with toy trucks and running it over.


"We have to do something about this! America drowned and apparently Britain was eaten by a bunch of dead bodies!" Germany said as they sat at the World Meeting.

"Ghouls..." Norway corrected him.

"Yeah, and France is scarred from seeing it!" Canada said and pointed at him. "I mean really, look at him... He's shaking..."

'I-I haven't seen anything as horrible and bloody as that.." France stammered shakily.

"What are you talking about, aru?"  China said and point to the empty seats that once were America and England's. "They're right there."

Everyone gave China strange look and Russia laughed a bit. "I think China's getting old, kolkolkol~"

"I am not, they are really right there!" China said with a huff. He glared at everyone.

Russia immediately shut up. China only stopped saying 'aru' if he was deathly serious...

France looked up at China. "There is, actually, nobody there..."

 China stood up. "Whatever! I'll be on my way if you guys are going to be this way!" He huffed and stormed  out of the building. He looked back and noticed that America and England were both following him. He raised an eyebrow and sighed. "What are you two following me for, aru?" He asked, looking back at them momentarily. "Apparently to everyone else, I'm crazy."

"Hey, you don't have to listen to them! They don't know what they're talking about. Maybe they're the ones that are crazy." America laughed from behind him before they all went to a foresty-like area.

"Yeah. You're probably right, aru." China agreed before finding a cliff with a pool of people in it.

"Hey... A pool." Britain piped in. "Looks neat, maybe we should go in."

"I don't know, aru..." China answered uneasily.

"Dude, come on, don't be a wuss!" America huffed before China looked back and sighed.

"I suppose... It wouldn't hurt, aru..." China said before nodding, backing up and jumping off the cliff and into the pool... Until he felt a sharp crack in his back. He was so confused for a moment before he saw red blood and the ground at eye level with himself; a road, in fact. He started to daze out before noticing a pair of blue eyes and his eyes widened. But soon enough, everything went black.

 In Truth, China had actually jumped off a bridge and into the highway, hitting the ground with a loud CRACK and people started popping up rumours of suicide...

Author's Note: Sorry for not updating guys! I've been really busy with Scout stuff recently and same with school as well... Also a lot of just plain being distracted but here you go, the third!

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