Mikans position

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Me and Hajime headed to the dining hall to see everyone else already there. I looked around and saw gourmet dishes on the table, they looked tasty. Could TeruTeru have made them? It would make sense, since hes the Ultimate Chef after all. "What took you bastards so long? Were you making out or some shit?" Fuyuhiko blurted out.

"What?! N-No!" Hajime shouted. "Well, to be honest, it wouldnt be surprising." Nagito said, smiling. "For the last time! W-Were not-" "Anyway, enough with all the lovers quarrel. Enough with the banter as well. It is time to eat." Byakuya said, everyone complied and started eating.

I grabbed some chicken and gently took a bite, it was juicy and full of flavor, I liked spicy foods. I turned to Hajime, he was beside me like always. He seemed rather nervous though. Heres one thing. I never knew why, but he always seemed to follow me. Like a duckling following a mother duck.

He agreed with anything I did, and just did everything I did in general. I wonder why that is? I tapped him on the shoulder. "A-Ah! H-Hi, Y/N. D-Did you need something from me?" Hajime managed to stammer out. I paused, then smiled. "I was just wondering if you would like some food." I said, my cheeks turned a light pink.

He was such a dork, always following other people and questioning things. It made him so.. likeable I guess? I then noticed how long I was staring, "O-Oh, sorry." I apologized, looking slightly nervous. Hajime seemed surprised, then just smiled nervously. "I-Its alright." He took one of the chicken pieces and tore into it.

It was delicious so I couldnt blame him. "Delicious, huh?" I giggled. Hajime blushed and looked away. "Y-Yeah.." Hajime stammered. He looked down at me, and I looked up at him. I guess to make things less awkward, Hajime pet my hair gently. It felt kind of nice. Heh.

I gave him a closed eye smile as he just chuckled. I noticed Nagito in the corner of my eye, he sort of flinched and just tried to ignore us. Seriously, what was up with him? Nagito seemed to pet his own hair as some kind of comfort, what was there to be needing comfort about? We were just giving each other the normal affection friends would give to each other.

Wait, are we friends?.. I mean, we do have a great bond, and we love each other dearly. But.. did I really see him as a fri-


I turned to the loud noises to see.. Mikan?! She was on the floor in an.. odd position. My cheeks flushed a bright pink, trying to avoid contact with her.. delicates. "A-Ah! Sorry! I-I tripped again!" Mikan shouted, squirming all over the place. I quickly ran over and began untying the cord around her legs. I couldnt just stare at the poor girl! It would make her feel worse!

Hajime of course, followed and protected her.. thing. Basically, he made sure nobody saw *it*. He closed his eyes like a true gentleman, heh.. everyone just either watched, or helped Mikan.

AYYYYYEEEEEEEEEE! I plan on dropping the "No, that's wrong!" later but I dunno when.

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