Background information

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Hinata shoyo is 16 yr old boy and natsu is his girl twin~

Hinata shoyo used to be abused by his parents they hit him and called him and his sister Natsu horrible names until he turned 14 he got tired of it so he killed them and framed someone else he then got permission to live on his own with natsu one night while shoyo was sleeping he was awoken by a light in his room it was pure and beautiful light it spoke to him it said "shoyo you are destined to be the great light you have the power of the sun molded into you its in you , you need to awaken it" shoyo was very confused so he questioned the beauty how to awaken it and what the so called powers were the beauty replied with "to awaken it you need to find your purpose,your calling,your desire,for you that is volleyball so please young master join a team and awaken your power" shoyo asked about his twin and if she will be special or something "your sister will be your support you will need her to support you emotionally she can gain a power if you allow it like I said you are a great light you can do anything or have anything or anyone IF YOU AWAKEN YOUR POWER" shoyo then agreed and said farewell to the beauty. The next morning he told his sister and she said she heard so they saved up money and moved out of America and to Japan now 16 years old natsu and shoyo are now unpacking there stuff getting ready for the next day the first day of school at kurasuno natsu was a not like other girls she was very chill and more on the tomboyish side although shoyo and natsu were the same age shoyo was shorter than natsu .

The next morning~
"SHOYO GET UP!!" Natsu yelled as he hit shoyo "natsu what the hell!" Shoyo replied "confused were gonna be late shoyo"hinata obeyed his sister and took a shower and got ready "here i made toast"natsu said handing on to shoyo as they walk out the door they were at the front of the school "your ready great light" natsu teased shoyo sighed and walked in they grabbed there schedule they had no classes together which they both kinda got annoyed with they said there bye's and headed to class

Shoyo's pov~
I was actually quite excited to have my power awaken so I ran to my class and knocked on the door shortly after it opened "Hi you must be Shoyo Hinata I'm Ms.taskay come on in and introduce yourself"my teacher said as I walked in I stood in front of the class and smiled brightly "hi my name is hinata shoyo nice to meet you all!!"everyone blushed at his adorableness he then went to sit down he was then met by a cute blonde haired girl "h-hi im yachi hitoka n-nice to meet you"yachi said "oh hi wanna be friends yachi san?" She aggressively nodded as I smiled brightly then looked at the board to what the teacher was teaching.

"Hey Natsu over here!!" Shoyo yelled as he gestured her over to the table where shoyo and yachi were sitting "oh hi im Natsu hinata,shoyos twin sister" natsue said as she shook yachis hand "hi im yachi hitoka nice to meet you" yachi replied "hey natsu im thing you should join the volleyball team with me" shoyo told natsu "its an all boys volleyball club I made girl" natsu replied "no not the team but as the team manager, hey maybe yachi can join you!!" Hinata said in an excited voice which made natsu smile "fine I'll join i guess" shoyo went up and hugged her saying thank you "I think I might join aswell eheh" yachi said "thats great yachi then you can watch me play"they then finished eating and headed back to their last class . After the that the three met up and headed for the volleyball gym once they got there they were approached by someone "hi im sugawara are you looking to join?"suga asked looking at shoyo with a slight blush "uh yeah there looking to be managers but I want to join the team" shoyo said walking inside the gym "well for those who want to be managers go over there to kiyoko and tell her your looking to join she will help you and for you whats your name?" Suga asked "im hinata shoyo"shoyo replied "nice to meet you let's introduce you to the others and explain"suga said directing him towards the others "oh hi im daichi captain of kurasuno volleyball team" daichi said "hi daichi im hinata shoyo and I'm looking to join the team!!"

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