* S I X T H * * C H A P T E R *

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Narrator's POV

After 25 tremendously long minutes, you had arrived into your neighbourhood at last.

The sky was pitch black, and you barely distinguish any stars left in the sky.

You switched on the torch on your phone to find your home keys. It was stuck between my bottle and my sanitising kit so it took a few moments to find it.

"Well thank you for dropping me off...enjoy your night," you greeted as you unbuckled your seat belt.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" He locked your car door.


"Oh right...sorry," you chuckled shyly. "The online clinic is called ##### ####. Can you unlock my door now?" You agitatedly asked.

"No, I already searched up that site and it said sold out," he ignored your question.

"That maybe my fault because I technically bought about four bulks  worth of those disinfect-in gel. Sorry..." you words grew quieter as you explained.

"Maybe it's your fault? Of course it's your fault," he sarcastically commented. "Just how fucking germaphobic are you?" He mumbled.

"Okay, no need to for that tone. It's rude. And yeah, just because I am not the same level as you on terms of being a germaphobe doesn't mean it should be looked down upon," you spoke back to him. "If you wanted ask for some hand sanitiser then just ask. I'm not the devil."

"Can I have some hand sanitiser?" He glared at me.

"Yes you can have some, but please stop with the attitude. Keep that shit to yourself. Also, unlock the door so I can go in," you commanded. He sighed and did as you told him.

You both walked by the entrance door and you unlocked it with your house keys. He began to follow you as you walked inside the house.

"You can sit over there," you pointed at the living. "While I quickly get your sanitisers," you said as you were running up the stairs. He walked over to the living room, sat down and went on his phone.


Oi Sakusa.

You better be kind to her.

Don't worry I wasn't rude to her.

You see and she doubted me.

Such a silly goose.

What do you mean doubted you?

Well she was nervous to go in a car with either you and Tsumtsum.

Why would she be nervous of Atsumu and I?

I'm not allowed to say...


I just said no though.


Fine, but you can't tell her that I told you, okayyyy

My lips are sealed.

Okay, it's because she wants to fuck you both but more Tsumtsum than you but anyways, she feels like you would be a dick to her because of the situation this morning.

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