Under Pressure

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A/N- so I've finally updated!! Sorry for the delay everyone, I know I haven't updated since November and I feel super bad about that, I've just been so busy recently with school so had to take a bunch of time away from writing. I should be better about updating more often now though so I'm hoping to finish this fic sometime within the next few months! to everyone still reading, thank you all SO much for your support and love and I truly am so grateful for all your comments. Love you all and hope you enjoy this chapter <:)

No Going Back (by Yuno)

"I spend all my time, waiting all night for you. What do you do?"


In a perfect world, Moira Gonzalez would've captured her mother's attention a long time ago.

It started with the stealing. A few things here and there, like taking wallets from the backs of peoples' pockets, or taking peoples' expensive-looking jewelry, which she always traded later for gold. Lots and lots of gold. Or really, as much gold as she could get her hands on, while trying to avoid drawing too much attention from her father. Not that that ever did anything. No matter what, it was always her father's attention she stole . . . that is, if she got caught. And it didn't help that he was a police officer. Not exactly the parent she was going for.

Stealing was pretty much the only thing she was good at. Not that Moira had many things to choose from. There'd been activities at school she could've excelled in, like science or math or English— that is, if they interested her enough to try. But nothing gave her the same thrill as stealing did. Maybe her love for it was inherited from her mother's side, her Moriarty side. The side that proved she was a criminal mastermind, or at least— descended from a criminal mastermind.

It must've been, or else she would've inherited her father's love for sticking by the law, never breaking a rule once. Now that? That sounded boring to Moira. Crimes got her money, it got her attention, and the best part of all? She never got caught. Well, almost never. Sometimes even Moira, a criminal expert, had her moments. Sometimes, she got caught and escaped.

Other times — usually during her dad's shift — there were the rare moments she got thrown into jail. But if she did, she never got charged by the police. Not for a single thing, because Moira had to say— she was just that skilled. Getting caught just meant an interrogation from her father, which was always more annoying than intimidating, and then they'd go home and laugh about it later. Well, more laughing from Moira's side, but that was beside the point. Easy peasy.

Now? Not so much.

Things had been different, ever since this weird white wave passed over her town. One second, she'd been immersed by it, and the next, she'd woken up in her bed. Just as she always had. But that drew the line at similarities. While before, Moira could sneak out of the house and find time to go rob banks or break laws or commit identity theft, she couldn't do any of that now.

Her dad must've been taking his job at the police force even more seriously, because he'd inserted cameras all over the house. And a security system, so if Moira so much as opened her window after her father went to sleep, the loudest alarm she'd ever heard would go off, so loud that the neighbors could probably hear it. After the first few times, she gave up. Trying not to get caught suddenly became a lot harder.

Not that she really should be sneaking out in the first place. Her father had made her promise not to commit any more crimes— probably more for his own sake than for her's. Because he didn't want his own daughter getting roped into jail. Blah, blah, blah. She'd heard it all before. But for as long as she could, she kept her promise. Kept it for months, then years. At least to his face. She tried not to skip school like she used to, even if she couldn't bear to be there any longer. Just for her dad.

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