Welcome to Derry!!

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I look out the window ,as my dad drives. i see a sign it says 'welcome to derry'

10 minutes later , i get out of the car and look at my new shitty looking 'house' it was very small and run-down looking. my dad shoved a bag at my feet and spoke. "bring that up stairs and then go explore town, i don't want to see you back here today." "okay sir." i replied.
i brought my bags upstairs and set them down in my room, the room had grey walls with small cracks at the top, the window was medium size and the bed was...ok surprisingly.

i walked outside. i heard yelling so i ran to a bridge, where it was coming from, there stood four boys. one tall lanky looking boy with raven black hair and deep sea blue eyes, a boy with bleached blonde hair and marvellous eyes, a chubby boy, with brown hair and a cap. then there was a tall boy with a blonde mullet and green beautiful eyes like glew in the sun light. the three boys where pinning down a small chubby boy as the mullet boy took at his locked knife ready to carve his name into the boys stomach. i ran to them and kicked he boy in the ankle causing him to fall. the tall lanky boy started walking to me, inches away now . he grabbed my rist, punched me in the stomach and whispered in my ear. "welcome to derry princess. "

𝙳𝚛𝚞𝚐𝚜 𓆙 ( Henry Bowers x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now