End of The Maze

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I saw it. The gold cup in the center of the maze and all I had to do was run up and grab it. But then there was Cedric. He deserved to win. I mean he had entered himself in the tournament because he knew he could win. I wasn't just going to drop him and run to it. I held Cedric a little tighter and helped him walk to the cup with me.

"Go on," I said, "grab it." He stared at me for a second like I was crazy and then said

"No way. I wouldn't have made it this far if you hadn't helped me. You grab it." We went back and forth for about a minute before I said

"We can both grab it." When he nodded, we both reached out and grabbed it waiting to be taken back to the beginning of the maze.
But when I opened my eyes, we weren't at the front of the maze. I looked around, the cup had gotten flung to the other side of what looked like a grave. The bottom of it was littered with bones, and a cauldron lay a good 10 feet in front of it. I laid a dizzy Cedric on the ground and walked over to the grave cautiously. I brushed off a few spider webs and then I saw the name. Thomas Riddle Sr. A familiar feeling left a shiver down my spine.

But this wasn't Tom Marvalo Riddle, the boy I had met in my second year. No. This was his father. I didn't know why, but all of a sudden I felt the urge to run.

"Cedric," I said with a slight note of fear, "Get back to the cup." I helped him up, turned around and I had only run 3 feet when I dropped to the ground in pain.

"HARRY," I heard Cedric yell as he started coming back for me.
"Keep going," I yelled back. He looked hesitant, but I knew I was serious and started towards the cup again.
"Stupid scar," I muttered to myself. I knew very well why my scar hurt, but I didn't have time to think about it yet. But then I heard a quiet and squeaky voice say,

"Avada Kedavra!" It was Pettigrew. Peter Pettigrew. The next thing I knew, I heard a shriek of pain, and a whorled around. Cedric was on the ground lifeless. I turned back around, sat up, my scar still burning, picked up my wand, but before I could disarm him, I was getting pushed back slamming my back into the grave. Then, parts of the grave began to wrap around me holding me there and squeezing the life out of me. When I realized Pettigrew was talking to me I stopped squirming immediately.

"So nice to see you," He said in his high pitched squeaky voice "It's nice to see you again. You have become a very important part of our plan." Our? What did he mean? I was only me and him. And that was when I looked at what he was holding in his arms. It was the ugliest baby he had ever seen. Or at least he thought it was a baby until he saw the nose. Or didn't see the nose. I never knew because all it had were two slits where nostrils should have been. Then it hit me. Voldemort. That ugly baby was Lord Voldemort. The man who had killed my parents, and would stop at nothing until I was dead too. It was then that Peter placed him inside the cauldron, and said,

"Bone of the father unwillingly given," He took one of the bones from the grave and dropped it in with him. Then, Peter pulled out a large knife and raised it above his hand which was now right above the cauldron as he continued "flesh of the servant willingly sacrificed," as he continued to raise the knife and chop his off his hand, "blood of the enemy forcibly taken," he continued as he raised the knife to my arm, cut open my sleeve and then cut my arm so it bled, brought the knife back over the cauldron and tapped the knife forcing the blood to drip from it into the cauldron, and continued, "the dark lord shall rise," he took a pause and then more certain, he said, "again". As the cauldron boiled I couldn't help screaming. What I didn't know was if I was screaming because of the pain of my scar, my arm, or the fact Cedric was dead because of me. I should have grabbed that stupid cup myself, I thought guiltily. When I looked back up with tears in my eyes, the cauldron was on fire, Peter was running away, and a tall figure was emerging from the flames.

"Voldemort," I muttered under my breath. When he finally stepped out of the cauldron, I saw him clearly for the first time, and not just his ugly head. He had skin as white as a skull, he had no hair, wore dark robes, and on his face instead of nostrils, he had two giant slits. He was hideous. As he turned around to face where Peter was, peter bowed low and when he came back up Voldemort said,
"My wand Wormtail," In his low voice. As Peter bowed again, he handed him his wand. It was a pale white with what looked like an eagle's head carved on the back of it. It was also covered in what looked like little black slits all over it. Then, Voldemort raised his wand, grabbed Peter's arm, rolled up his sleeve, pointed his wand at his forearm, and said something under his breath. I couldn't quite hear it, but then the next thing that happened was about 16 death eaters now surrounded me and Voldemort. I knew with all of my heart that Lucius Malfoy was under one of those masks. After that, it was all a blur until about 10 minutes later Voldemort turned to me and said

"Harry," his voice cruel, calm, and evil all at once, "I almost forgot you were here." That made me mad. To him, I was just a little pawn in his game to destroy Dumbledore and it wouldn't stop there. He would try to kill anyone who tried to stop him. That's when I realized that the grave wasn't holding me in place anymore.
"Wormtail," he said, "I require Harry's wand." I didn't know what he was doing, so I didn't move. Should I run to the cup? I thought. Should I even try to escape him? No. It was hopeless. Even if I managed to get away from him, there were his death eaters, and then what? There was no way I could make it. Next thing I knew, Voldemort shoved the wand in my hand and said,

"I'm sure they have taught you how to duel haven't they?" I stared at him in disbelief. "You have been taught how to properly duel have you not?" He asked again.

"Yes," I said quietly, but loud enough for him to hear. "Good," he replied. Then, he said something to the death eaters, turned back towards me, and bowed, so I did the same. He turned his back and so did I. We faced each other again, and as soon as he shouted "AVADA KEDAVRA", I wasn't ready. Darkness was the last thing I saw, and the last thing I heard was the sound of my mother screaming.


For whoever actually reads this, i know its not very good, but im currently working on chapter 2! Tell me if you like it so far.

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