Hospitol Wing

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The plan was working.

I had already fooled Dumbledore, Poppy, and both of Harry Potter's friends. I let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding and looked around nervously. Then, I remembered something. I have to drink the polyjuice potion! Immediately, I sat up straight and took another look around. No one could see me. I turned into a rat, scurried up past about 12 beds or so, past Poppys office, and made it to the toilets. Very quickly, I changed back into my human form, pulled a hip flask out from inside my new robes, and pulled out a large vial of short black hairs. I stared at it for a second, and it reminded me of James. I felt my new hand flinch and I gasped and almost fell over. I stared at it as the hand inched closer to my neck. Then I heard a low hissing sound speaking.

"Your loyalty wavers wormtail. Do not fail me or fear a painful death." I shivered and with that I raised the flask to the light. "The Dark Lord shall rise" I quickly added two of the hairs to the flask and drank it. It tasted horrible, and I felt my skin bubbling as I was getting thinner, stretching towards the ceiling. I retrieved the glasses from inside my robes and put them on. As I walked out back to the hospital bed, I heard loud footsteps running just outside the door. I stood frozen in shock, my heart was beating fast. Had they found out? What did they know? I got in the bed, turned to face the opposite wall and buried myself in the blankets so they couldnt see me. Silence. I was about to turn around, when I heard the doors swing open and someone talking to someone else in hushed tones. They knew. I just knew it. I was slowly reaching for Harry's wand, when I heard a girl's voice.
"Harry! HARRY!" I turned around to face her. She was a rather small girl with fiery red hair. She smiled when she saw me, and without warning, I felt someone tackle me from behind. I jumped, and threw them off me only to see another girl. She looked slightly older than the first, and instead of straight fiery red hair, she had bushy brown hair, and an even bigger smile. Then I realized who this was. This was one of Harry's best friends. I quickly flashed her a smile, and sat up looking around. Where was the Weasley boy? He was about to put this question into words when I heard another voice. It was a bit deeper than the first, and I recognised it at once. I turned my head to face my old owner. Immediately, my mind started swirling with what if scenarios. What if he realized I wasn't Harry? What would he do? Realizing how long I had let my mind wander, I shook my head.
"Hey Ron," I said in a convincingly happy tone, "Po- Madam Pompfrey said I can leave tomorrow!" He smiled, and sat down beside his sister. They all looked at him expectantly as if waiting for something. Did they want a story about the maze? How would I know what to say? After a minute, they looked at me confused and Ron announced that he was going back to the common room, but not before exchanging a glance with the bushy-haired-girl. What's her name? Hermione. I would need to keep an eye out for her. She studied me for a moment before she too got up and left with the youngest of the Weasleys. I sat there thinking over the plan in my head.

I was only in the hospital wing for one more night seeing as I was barely injured. I would have been out of there already if the ministry hadn't questioned me about the boy. What was his name? Ah nevermind. Complete waste of time. I could have already had the first part of the plan figured out. How was I supposed to break into Severus's supply cabinet? Perhaps I could get the Weasley boy to do it for me. I had enough potion to last about 2 months, but it wouldn't be enough. As I tried to remember the plan, I heard footsteps walking towards me. I turned. It was Albus Dumbledore. He looked down at me and spoke,
"All right there Harry," He asked with a small grin. I nodded unsure. There was silence for a minute, as he surveyed the other beds with their curtains drawn until his eyes rested upon Fluer. A beautiful girl from Beauxbatons. Suddenly he spoke again, "You are very fortunate to have not suffered great injury this year. As you can see," He gestured to the beds that held Fluer and Krum, "Miss Delacour has suffered a traumatic event, and Mr. Krum has been experiencing some memory loss." He turned back to face me, a regretful look upon his face, "And as I'm sure you have been informed by now, Mr. Diggory has gone missing. You seem to be the only one who is perfectly well." He rested his hands on his lap as he surveyed me over his half moon spectacles. I stared right back into his eyes, frightened. If he suspected something, why not just say so?

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