Harrys Return

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“It’s been forever since they left,” Ron complained in a whiny voice. It had been long, and I was getting worried. What if something had happened to him? What if he didn’t have time to send up red sparks before something happened? Thoughts like these had occurred in my mind more than once, but I wasn’t going to let it show.
“He’ll be fine,” I told Ron as he gave me a less than confident look. “It’s Harry, he always finds a way.”
“Ya,” he said, still not sounding convinced.“He can do it. He can beat Cedric and Fleur easily. It’s Krum I’m worried about.” After a few more minutes of nothing, something happened. I saw red sparks. The stands erupted. All of a sudden I was hearing things like ‘who?’ ‘What happened?’ and ‘who is it?’ floating around. It was Fleur. She looked petrified, shocked, and she was covered from head to toe in long deep cuts all over. And as quick as the sparks disappeared, Fleur fainted. I couldn’t help thinking If she was this shocked by what she saw in there, what would Harry feel like? I didn’t know, but almost 5 minutes later more red sparks shot into the air, and the process repeated. But this time, it was Krum. He was knocked out, and I saw girls from all over the stands swooning, and looking pitiful at him. A surge of anger swept over me as I thought ‘they only act like this because he’s famous. If he wasn’t, none of them would even be acknowledging him.’ Almost an hour later, I heard Ron yawn, and it made my heart skip a beat. Then he said,
“Hermione, we should go back to the common room. We need to get some sleep. You know how you are in the morning.” I glared at him because he knew full well that he was the one that was always grumpy. He smirked at me, and we were about to leave when we heard a loud piercing crack and I immediately whipped around. People were cheering really loud, and Harry was on the ground at the entrance of the maze. I took one look at Ron, and we both ran down onto the field to see him. 
“HARRY,” we shouted in unison as we pushed through the crowd of people who had just come down from the stands with us. I was so happy to see him okay, and as soon as I got a closer look at him, I knew that he was okay… Well-- mostly. He only had a few scrapes and bruises, but had a deep gash on his arm and appeared to be very tired. I looked up just soon enough to see Professor Moody wink and smile at him. I was just about to do the same when I heard a loud, shrill voice from behind me. I turned around.
“Miss Granger, Mr. Weasley come with me to my office please,” It was Professor McGonagall. I was freaking out, and I needed to know what was going on.
“Is Harry going to the hospital wing?” I asked immediately after we stepped foot in her office, “Arent they going to check him? Wh-,” She cut me off,
“Dumbledore is talking with Mr. Potter at the moment. He seems to be perfectly okay, but you can never be too sure. He will bring him to the hospital wing as soon as the questioning is over.” I opened my mouth to speak but closed it again after a few seconds. Then Ron spoke. He had been so quiet that I had almost forgotten he was there. 
“Why is Harry being questioned? I mean..” He sighed. “He’s just won, shouldn’t he rest?” He is obviously getting interviewed for winning! I thought, and I was about to put this into words when McGonagall replied. 
“Cedric Diggory never came out of the maze” I looked over to Ron and saw him staring back at me. Slowly I started to talk. My voice wavering slightly.
“Do you mean to say that you think Harry did something to him! That he tried to get him out of the way so that he could have all of Hogwarts glory to himself!” I was outraged! McGonagall looked dumbstruck. 
“I would never assume such a thing! Neither does Dumbledore!” she added when she saw the look that passed between me and Ron. “Dumbledore has requested that no one see him for at least 24 hours, except for the staff,” There was a slight shaking in her voice, and I knew she was worried for him. Who could blame her, he would never have hurt Cedric in the Maze. He wasn’t that kind of person. When I finally looked up, I apologized to Professor McGonagall for being so rude, and together, Ron and I left her office. I knew what he wanted to do, and it was exactly what I wanted to do too. Suddenly we ran down the corridor towards the hospital wing. We were not about to wait 24 hours to see him. But when we got there, we didn’t see Harry. Or even Dumbledore for that matter. All we saw was Madame Pomfrey bending over a bed to help someone. We moved a little closer and saw Krum lying there knocked out cold. And in the next bed over, was Fleur wide awake and horrified at the sight of Krum next to her. When I looked over to Ron, I found him staring back at me tilting his head toward Madame Pomfrey like he was telling me to ask her a question. I nodded, grabbed Ron's hand, and walked right over.
“Where is Harry,” I asked with a shaky voice, “Shouldn't he be here by now,” no answer. After a minute of silence, she replied.
“Dumbledore hasn’t come with him yet and even if he had, students are not allowed to see him for at least 24 hours! Out!” That was the end of it. There was no use in trying to negotiate, so we turned back and slowly walked back to the common room in complete silence.


The next morning, I sat up in my four-poster, rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, and then remembered. I jumped out of bed so fast that I woke up Ginny in the next bed over.
“What are you doin’ up this early,'' She said in a whisper as I threw on my clothes. When I didn’t answer, she looked at me for a second, took a look at the clock, and looked back at me. “You’re goin’ to see Harry aren’t you,” she asked, but I knew it wasn't a question. Before I could tell her to go back to sleep, she too, threw off her covers, jumped out of bed, pulled on her clothes, walked to the door, turned around looked me in the eyes, and said, “Come on,” and we both walked out into the common room where I saw Ron pacing back in forth.
“Ron,” I said in a half-whisper. He didn't seem to notice we were there. “Ron,” I said a little louder. No response. “RONALD,” he looked up in shock to see us standing in front of him.
“Oh! Hey Hermione! Hey Ginny,” there was silence for a few seconds before we all walked to the portrait hole. As soon as we got out into the empty corridor, we started sprinting towards the hospital wing excited to hear what happened in the maze.

For whoever reads this, THINGS ARE ABOUT TO GO DOWN! Im working on chapter 3 currently, and it might take a few days. I hope that you are enjoying it so far!🤗

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