Chapter 12

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Mac's POV

Riley and I sat on the couch and continued to talk until I noticed she was getting tired. "Someone's tired." I say teasingly. "I don't know what your talking about." She looks at me and we both start laughing. "If you want to sleep in my room with me that's fine if not I can go make the fold out." I say hoping she would choose the first option. "If it's okay with you I'd rather sleep with you that way Mia knows where to find me if she needs me in the middle of the night." She says. We get dressed in our pjs and head to bed.

Everything was peaceful until I was awoken by a short scream. I shot up. I didn't know where it came from at first but then I see Riley mumbling to herself and crying. "Riley. Riles!" I shake her awake and she hits me. "Mac. Mac, I'm sorry." She said realizing what happened. "It's okay what happened?" I ask trying to make sure she is okay. "I was having a nightmare and my dad had broken out of prison again. Except this time instead of coming after me and Mia he went after you and Jack." She says crying. "Riley, it's okay. I'm here." I say hugging her. After a few minutes she calms down. "Please don't let go. I need to know your here." She says. "I won't I promise." We lay back down and I make sure my arms are around her. After that everything went smoothly.

I wake up the next morning to my alarm. I carefully remove one arm from Riley's grip and turn it off trying not to wake her. "Mac?" So much for that idea. "Hm?" I say in response. "What time is it?" Riley asks turning over to face me. "7:30." "I'm gonna go see if Mia's up yet." She says. "Do you want me to come?" I ask. "You can if you want." I follow Riley to Mia's room. She carefully opens the door. "Mia?" We find her dancing in her room to music on her iPod. "Yea?" She says seeing us. Me and Riley just look at each other and laugh. "We just wanted to see if you were up yet." Riley says. "Yea I've been up for a while. I came in to see if you two were awake but then I saw how peaceful you two were and I thought I would let you sleep." Mia says. I look at Riley and she gives me a "hopefully she doesn't think we were doing anything" look. We tell Mia to go on with what she was doing. We head back to our room. "Riley do you want to get a shower?" I ask. "Yea but the doctor said I can't do it alone cause I'm not alowed to move my shoulder that much." She says. "If you want I can help you." I say trying not to make it sound too weird. "Yea better you than Mia." She says a little hesitant. I help her wash her hair and we get our shower together. Mia didn't bug us so I'm guessing she is either watching tv or is still dancing around to her music. "Mac?" "Hm?" "Is this too weird? Like how fast we are doing things?" She asks. "I don't know. Some things we don't have a choice. If you think we are moving to fast just tell me." I say. "I don't think we are moving too fast I just don't want to move too fast and make things weird." She says. "I get it." I say. I look in her eyes and I can tell she wants to tell me something but is nervous to. I decide not to press her to tell me. She'll tell me when she's ready.

After our shower we get dressed and Riley makes us breakfast. She doesn't cook often but her cooking is pretty decent. "So Mia tonight me and Mac are gonna go on our first real date. We got Bozer and Leanna to come stay with you." Riley says. "Isn't Bozer the funny one?" Mia asks. "Yea." Riley says. We talk about Bozer and Leanna until we finish breakfast. "What do you girls wanna do?" I ask. Mia shrugs her shoulder. "I have an idea. Let's play never have I ever." Riley says. Mia nods. We go sit down on the floor in the living room. "Okay I'll start," Riley says, "never have I ever been to a concert." Mia and Riley both get a point. "When did you go to a concert?" Riley asks me. "I went with my dad when I was about 9." I say. "Let me guess Barney concert." Riley says. "Close Curious George." Riley and Mia both laugh. "Okay my turn. Never have I ever played soccer." I say. Me and Riley both get a point. "Okay my turn. Never have I ever gone to jail. Sorry Rye rye." Mia says. Only Mia gets a point. "When did you go to jail Mac?" She asks me. I tell her about the time I was arrested and the Phoenix spent days proving I was innocent. Riley was the only thing that kept me going in that time.

We finished playing never have I ever and waited for Leanna and Bozer to get there. We hear the door ring and Riley gets up to answer it. Mia walks over to me. "Mac?" "Hm?" "I hope you have a good time. Just remember though, if you break my sisters heart I can break your shin." "I promise I won't break her heart, Mia." She smiles and hugs me. After we tell Leanna and Bozer what to do if something goes wrong we head to a local park. The sun is just starting to set once we get everything set up. "So why did you choose a picnic?" I ask Riley kinda curious. "Because the last time I was allowed to lean into my feelings for you for a mission we were on a picnic." She says staring at the ground in front her. "That's also when I started trying to convince myself that I didn't like you like that. Obviously that didn't work too well." She says. "Riles. On that mission I wanted to do nothing but turn our coms off and just tell you how I felt." I say. She just looks at me and smiles.

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