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Phew, my sister didnt come in because she broke her leg the day before!

Alice and Elouise became bffs with the new girl... Nattalie (said: Nattarly) my name in Nattalie (said Nattalie) (Grr).

I went over to talk to them. As I left the three of them, they started laughing and saing "REPLACED" and things like that. I stated speed-walking away before they could insult me further. FORTUNATLY the hottest boy in our year asked me out (again)... This time I said "Y-E-S!!!"

Alice and Elouise were flabbergasted! I looked behing and they looked like they had seen a ghost!

Double English went fast. So I got to go out with Brandon quicker :D (not that I was desperate or anything.....)

The next day Alice and Elouise had bought me lots of prezants and a "Sorry" card???!!!!

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