Shut it nerd.. (MaxNeil

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Ok here ya go FrostKing09! sorry it took so long i started this on the 3rd then i had yt channel problems T^T

Anywho LET'S GO!!

(WARNING: Cussing,


"UGH!! Daaavid! Just because we blew up part of the woods doesn't mean you have to lock us up in here!" I spoke to david the person i hated the most heree at this god is forbidden camp! "And i find it very excruciating that you let nikki not stay in here!?" I heard neil question gwen angerily "look.. just because she gave the idea doesn't mean she's the full cause of it! She didn't do it you all did" gwen spoke in return a tad bit angered "WTF?! THAT'S COMEPLETE BULLSHIT!" I yelled very pissed at this stupid counselor, "UGH... how long do we have to wait in here!?" I heard neil ask starting to just grow yired kore then angry i guess "the whole day" gwen spoke out non sympathetic "really...." i spat out trying to hide the fact i wish i burned her down instead of half the woods "WHAT!? Gwen that is completely irresponsible!" david chirped "THANK YOU!" Neil launched at david glaring at gwen visible anger in his eye too, .... i really wish he was more nerdy the angry, his eyes look stupid but cute at the same time when he is... wait- WTF DID I JUST SAY!?!?!? Agh, nevermined... "YES! We should atleast bring them food and drinks every 4 hours" omg... "WHAT!?" neil yelled now visibly angry at both of them "welp cya boys! We have to go do COUNSELOR STUFF" "ugh.. david, stop sounding so happy.. we're just doing boring chores" "yes gwen but-" ugh.. finally they shut the door, now i am able to actually think "hmmm"

Neil's POV
"Hmmm" oh god... max is trying to find a way out.. "gwen lodked up all the windows and she locked up the door, took everything that you could've used to break out, ANNND put child locks on everything" i tolled him as he got up and started looking around, "WHAT!? How'd you know what i was trying to do?" He snapped back at me. "i KNOW you, i know how you think, .... plainly in fact i know almost everything about you!" I spat at him kinda smugging at this stupid little murderer or well.. he might as well be one since his favorite thing to do is want to hurt people, and nikki... she just fucking loves arson, ugh.. I'm surrounded by idiots.. atleast max is the kinda of idiot who's cute- .. ugh! WHY CAN'T I JUST STOP MYSELF FROM THINKING THAT, HE HATES ME IT'S SO FUCKING OBVIOUS! "HEY!" I snapped out of my trance as i heard some snapping and max yelling at me "wha- what?" "I thought you damn nerds weren't suppose to pay attention all the time ugh... I SAID, you obviously don't know everything about me!" Heh... he does actually look pretty cute when he's angry, "heh" .... SHIT DID I JUST LAUGH OUT LOUD?!? "Umm.. what the fuck are you laughing at?" "OH uhhh... i was just laughing at the fact that i said ALMOST everything, SEE! Who doesn't pay attention now!" YES, nice save, "AH!" Just then i yelled as max got super close to my face and examined me, "wha... what are you doing!?" I yelled out "are you- ... are you BLUSHING!?" Shit.. "WHAT!? NOOO NO NO NOO NO NOOO! NO I'M NOT" .....

"oh Neil..." i said in a taunting way, this'll sure be able to provemy point! "MH.." i heard him muffle, god... his face is so red- wait..... if he's blushing at me... does that mean.. "neil..." i said sturn and quietly, eyes fixated on him wide, i was completely stunned at this point... "huh?" He peeked his eyes at me and questioned. "Do you... do you like me?" Omg.. please say no... PLEASE SAY NO! "I- UMMM... well uhh n-no?" "You.. you questioned that no.. neil.." "YOU LIKE ME!" I yelled out "I... fine- YES OK I DO!? so.." "soooo... what? So will i go out with you or smt?" "N-NO! Unless you want to.. NO wait umm no, ...."

Neil POV
I let out a sigh.. "YOU LIKE ME!" Was repeating in my head.... he had found out.. so now all i had to do was wait for it... "Soo are you gonna slap me and tell me to shut u-" i was soon cut off by max pulling my shirt down so we were face to face and then... kissed me.. he- ACTUALLY kissed me!, i just stood there for a few seconds and then kissed back, i was worried still for a few seconds in the kiss... 'he's gonna bite me..' 'or throw me back into the wall and call me stupid and ridicule me!' But.. it never came, i eventually got rid of those thoughts.. except for one 'he's joking' i couldn't shake that one off, i mean.. even tho it was a kiss and not one sided! I mean.. we both leaned in, we both closed our eyes, we both puckered up! But.. i think the reason i was scared.. was because,...  it was so unlike him.. THE KISS! It was so smoothe, soft, and loveable... nothing like max, or something he would ever do! Unless....., thru out every romance movie I've watched... the only way for this to be a loveable kiss without faking.. would be if he liked me back, it.. it must be that... IT HAS TO BE! .... soon the kiss departed, a string of saliva still connected before he fully broke us apart.. "neil..." "ye- yes?" We both huffed out trying to catch our breathe, "will you..." this'll go three ways.. he either says will you be my boyfriend, will you.. GET LOST! Or.. will you keep this a secret- whiiiiich, could've meant a one night stand was getting ready to happen, or he was gonna say keep our RELATIONSHIP a secret, buy he would have to say number 1 first... but either way, as long as number 2 doesn't happen.. I'm good..

God i can't believe I'm about to say this... "neil... will you- go out with me?" I managed to stutter out, Neil's eyes quickly snapped opened instead of staying in a dazed state, his mouth dropped open... god.. i better have not just broke this fuck boy- "yes..." what... did he just mouth out what i think he said!??! "yes.. yes?............... YES! YES!? OMG YOU ACTUALLY SAID IT!" "WOW... never seen you so happy and energetic before babe-" .... "UGH! Shut up neil!" I then pulled him down, so he was now sitting on the floor, as i sat down next to him, i snuggled closer then pulled him back into a kiss, which he ?happily? obliged to..

????? POV

"YES!" "DO YOU SEE THEM ERID! MY PLAN WORKED!" "Yes nikki," i heard her reply to as she snapped a pic "I'm totally posting this to instagram" "that's such a cool idea!" I replied smoothely

Welp!- hope you enjoyed this! Let me know what i should do next in the comments! Also, hope you liked this FrostKing! And sorry it took so long, i felt sick for the first few weeks and kept sleeping in, and theen i had school, and then youtube shit-  but yeah, see y'all in the next chapter! BAI!!!💖💯

Also before i go, have some awesome/cute MaxNeil pics, you have to agree with me even if you don't ship them (WHICH I HAPPILY DOSHIP THEM!!), they would prob either be the most or 2nd most canon if any ships were canon!

Also before i go, have some awesome/cute MaxNeil pics, you have to agree with me even if you don't ship them (WHICH I HAPPILY DOSHIP THEM!!), they would prob either be the most or 2nd most canon if any ships were canon!

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