Part 47

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2 years later.. (yes i did det and who check me)

"Kamora bring yo ass here"!

"Yeth"? Kamora looked at her momma

"Why you broke my tv"? Kapri asked her 2 year old daughter

"It was accident" she pouted

"It wasn't no damn accident" Kapri shook her head

"First of all don't be yelling at my child" Tripp said picking up Kamora

Tripp babied Kamora a lot

"She broke the tv bae" she said

"We'll get another one simple" he shrugged


"What Tj"? she laughed

"Hey" he smiled

He acted just like Tripp and Benji at the same time

"Boy what you want"? she laughed at her 4 year old son

"I'm bored" he yawned

"You did yo homework"?

"Yes ma'am" he nodded

"Y'all go play" Tripp put Kamora down

They ran out the room and Tripp looked at his fiancé

They didn't get married yet for many reasons

They wanted to work more on their relationship, no it wasn't bad or anything but there's always room for improvement

They also was worried about Kamora

Since she was premature they had to keep her in the hospital for a while

Ms Tabitha was diagnosed with cancer and that took a toll on everybody but mainly Tripp

That also made him and Kapri's relationship have some rocky times but they over came them

as they should tf -piimpdaddykiraa

Ms Tabitha beat cancer thank you jesus

Everything has been going great so far

Although Benji and Camilla called it quits

It was a mutual thing tho , their still very good friends and it's never awkward surprisingly

Camilla has been talking to somebody and Benji.. was being Benji

"THE KING HAS ARRIVED"! Benji yelled walking into the house making the kids run to the living room

They loved their uncle Benji a lot

"Uncle Beeny"! Kamora smiled doing grabby hands

Kamora was very little for her age

"Hey niecey pooh" Benji cheesed

He put her down and picked up TJ

"Wassup" he hugged him

"I got some new girlfriends from school" TJ smiled showing his silver caps in the back of his mouth

"That's wassup big pimpin" Benji laughed dapping him up before putting him down

"Hey Benji" Kapri gave him a hug

"Wassup sis" he hugged her back

"Wassup nigga" he dapped up Tripp

"Wassam pussy" Tripp dapped him up before going on the kitchen

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