Part 28

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"Wake up please" my voice cracked looking at Tripp laying in his casket

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"Wake up please" my voice cracked looking at Tripp laying in his casket

i'm just playing -piimpdaddykiraa

"Wake up man" i shook my head laying my head on his hospital bed

He was in a coma and they say they don't know when he gone wake up

It's been 8 weeks so far and it's been real hard cause i'm used to always being around him

"Bae .. i'm pregnant and i went to the doctor they said i was 2 months already" i said

"I'm scared but i'm ready at the same time"

"Ummm i graduate in some weeks"

Somebody knocked on the door and it opened

"Hey Kapri" the doctor said

She was a older black lady and she was his nurse who was checking on him

She was really nice and i trusted her cause the white people would say fuck him and let him die

"Hey" i sighed

"Well it looks like he's getting a little better seems like he's really fighting to wake up"

She did her shit before walking out and Benji came in

"You good"? he looked at me

"Yea" i nodded

"No you not but ok when you got here"?

"This morning" i said

"Go home and eat and shit stop starving my niece" he said making me laugh

He was the only one who knew i was pregnant well except for Tripp momma and Talin and he swear imma have a girl

"Ok imma be back later" i said hugging him

"Fasho" he said

I left and drove to Ms Tabitha house cause Benji said i shouldn't stay at Tripp house

"Hey" i said as i walked in the house

"Hey baby how you holding up"? she hugged me

"I'm good" i said

"He's gonna be fine he gone wake up for you the baby"

I nodded wiped the tear that fell down my face

Sergio need to hurry up and die

I ate some food that she cooked before going upstairs to my room

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