Chapter 14

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Ms. Choi was already seeing the gears moving in her head getting worked up and the two went into Minji's room to discuss. "I don't want her here. Does she think she can just walk back into my life and pretend the last 15 years meant nothing?" Minji was pacing back and forth at this point.

With Ms. Choi watching closely to not say something that would make her even more upset than she already is. "She stood by my father's side acting like there was nothing going on. Her doing nothing was almost or even worse than the abuse itself" her eyes getting slightly red.

Taking deep breaths Minji didn't want to yell at Ms. Choi and take her anger out on her. This was all her mother's doing. "She had nowhere to go"

"She lives in a big mansion in the city away from all of this. Why does she have to come here?" Expressing her frustration to Ms. Choi

Feeling a little guilty "What am I supposed to do? She had divorced your father years ago. I don't think she's had it easy for a long time" After discussing a bit more Minji walked into the living room to see her mother cleaning some dishes in the kitchen. Thinking of how things are going to change now that she's back in her life.

The following day Minji stood in front of Ji Pyeong's office just waiting for him to come out. Peeking through the window she was startled by his assistant telling her that Mr. Han took a sick day. Thanking him she took her phone out to give him a call after a couple of rings he picked up the phone.



Hi, uh Mr. Park told me that you're taking a sick day

He must've misheard me I'm taking a day off

I see. I'm glad to see you're okay

Anyways what's up?

Did you happen to watch Demo Day?

Of course. Congratulations. You guys did really well

Thank you. We owe it all to you

No, that's not true I didn't do much. All I did was nitpick at everything

We wouldn't be where we are today without your nitpicking. Thank you I really mean it

There was a bit of silence on Ji Pyeong's end because he was tearing up from her sincerity. He held the phone away not wanting her to hear his silent tears 

Uh, Ji Pyeong?

Sorry, I'm driving right now. I'm going on a trip with friends

When in reality he was just in his bed

"Oh, I'm sorry. Have a good day" hanging up the phone and leaving some food in front of his door. She was going to visit him but seeing that he was out with his friends she left him with a text.

You didn't sound to well so I left some porridge by your door

Reading the text "What? She was at my door?" quickly opening it he looked out in the hallway to see where she went but nowhere to be seen.

Back at Sandbox, the team was having a meeting with 2STO looking at the contract and flipping through the pages. Minji looked up at Alex "How much?"

"2STO would like to offer you 3 million for acquiring Samsan Tech" making all their hearts drop hearing that number. Alex explains more "And you'll work at our HQ in Silicon Valley for three years following the acquisition. What do you think?"

"We can continue to offer the NoonGil service right?"

"Of course"

Still holding the contract in her hands Minji thanked them and the team was going to think about it in the meantime. Walking them to the elevator they said their goodbyes and as soon as the doors closed everyone was jumping with excitement. So much at the moment she even gave Do San a hug. They all made it back to the office with everyone already talking about what it's going to be like in the states.

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