Chapter 19

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He sets her down and goes over to the fridge to grab some water for the two of them. Opening it up for her he hands her the bottle and she thanks him. "Are you alright?"

Minji nodded "Yeah I am. I'm relieved now" there was some awkward tension between the two it's bond to be a given knowing that it's been quite some time since the two have seen or talked to one another. "When did you get here?" trying to keep the conversation going.

"Uh last week" Do San answers

"Are you here for good?" and if even if he was, there was no telling in Minji's head if that's a good or bad thing. He shook his head "No just for vacation"

"Ah, vacation" repeating his words. Not knowing what else to say the two just sat there for a moment. "Oh I was really worried about NoonGil, thank you. I heard it was acquired by some highly acclaimed foundation. Was it K. Jonse?"

"Yes. I met them at a networking event and they deeply empathized with NoonGil's vision"

"Must be nice meeting all of these people" Minji fidgeting with her water bottle. Do San gave her a nod but in reality, it wasn't as great as she puts it. "It's great but can be boring at times"

Minji glances down at herself and notices her coffee-stained blouse. Trying to cover it up she turns her head away from embarrassment "Why did I have to run into him when I look like this" whispering to herself while rubbing her temple scolding herself. 

Overhearing her "Why? You look the same" taking a deep breath in "Yeah I guess. I've always been a hot mess, who's all over the place" looking out at her office thinking about what just happened. 

"That's not what I meant" looking at her 

Changing the topic "I want to thank you for everything today. I don't know what I would have done if you didn't show up." Turning to face him for once "Thank you. I haven't felt a thrill like that in a long time" she gave him a small nod and the two just say there.

Do San excused himself to go to a meeting that he has. Leaving Minji in the office by herself to think at her desk. Looking at her reflection on her desk mirror to see that she looked wreaked "I should have at least put some effort" mumbling to herself putting her head down her with her hands holding it up. 

Not even getting a small break Ji Pyeong steps into the office "Min-. I mean Ms. Kim" correcting himself "What happened? Did you have a ransomware attack?" seeing in the main lobby an IT security team was walking out the building when he was entering.

Leaning in her chair slightly "Yes, but we found the decryption key and all the files restored"

"How?" being curious

"Uh...Do San was here. Along with Yong San, Chul San, and even Sa Ha" Ji Pyeong couldn't help but feel a little hurt that he didn't know about her being company being hacked but it's not like she knew his feelings for here in this time and moment. Trying to sound happy "I'm glad. So it's all sorted out?" he noticed his Do San's jacket on her chair.

"Yeah everything is sorted" giving him a reassuring smile but she noticed his facial expression that he wasn't too thrilled "Trust me when I say this I was going to call you but Do San was calling from a domestic number and I just thought it was an IT security manager calling me back" in a shy tone. 

"Thank you for your honesty.  Are you okay?" laughing a little at his question "You have no idea how many times I've been asked that question." folding her hands together. "Are you okay?" repeating himself. "I'm okay it's just I feel ashamed"

"You're not the first company to have this happen to you" 

Looking everywhere but him "I don't want to use that as an excuse. For someone that's been doing this for most of her life. I didn't even back up everything before the demonstration. What kind of developer is that? And when the problem occurred I was so flustered and confused I didn't even know where to begin when searching for the key" letting her arms fall to her sides and leaning in her chair just thinking of that night. "Out of all those times. Why did he have to show up now." seeing the blazer jacket that belonged to Do San. 

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