Look Away

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Lucia pov:

I felt something more like someone hit me in the face, it didn't hurt but I flicked up when the contact hit me.

 "OW, WHAT THE-"before I could say anything else a squeaky voice interrupted me. "LUCIA GET UP!!!" King whined, still hitting my face with his paw. 

"King if you don't stop hitting me I swear I will pull that brown tail of yours off" I told him in a stern voice, still laying down. 

I could hear the brown demon squeal probably holding his tail, "YOU DO THAT AND I'LL SEND A DEMON TO TEAR YOU APART!" King hissed. 

I laughed, "like you have the guts to" sitting up looking at the tiny demon. 

He was about to say something but I cut him off, "why did you wake me up?" asking him hoping if it was a good answer. 

"I'm hungry!" King told me, trying to pull me out of bed, I waited for the skull face demon to give up.

 When he finally did I teased him, "awww dose little king want me to fix breakfast?" picking him up in a tight hug, "LET ME GO!" He squealed, trying to get out of my grasp.  

Hugging him tighter making the orange eye demon slap me in the face, dropping him in pain, "WHAT THE HELL KING!" hissing at king. 

King let out a little chuckle before he darted off down stairs, I got up following his path. "what do you want?" asking the brown fur demon. 

"THE BLOOD OF MY VICTIMS!" King squeal, rolling my eyes I told him "King we have been over this millions of times I cant to that!". 

"DON'T GIVE ME THAT BULL AGAIN!" the brown demon yelled, folding his arms oblivious upset, I could help but laugh. 

I finely stop laughing wiping away my tears, "I'm sorry crybaby....did you mean Apple Blood?" asking the furry demon without laughing, "YES YOU DUMMY!" King yelled, jumping on the contour to be at my level. 

Chuckling at the tiny demon, "Are you trying to intimidate me?" lifting one eyebrow up at King, "cause its not working at all" I said to King, flicking him in the head making him jerk back and growl. 

"LOOK HERE LUCIA I'M ABOUT TO SUMMON-" the angry brown demon was cut off by a voice in the background, "Would you too cut it out I don't want another fight going out again...the last on was .......soooomthing" Eda said walking slowly in the kitchen. 

"Morning Eda" I told Eda, glaring a King, "Morning Kid..." Eda says leaning on the wall.

 King looked away from me and to Eda, "Hey Eda.....would you get the blood of my victims for me?" 

Eda Scoffed at the brown fur demon, "Pfffffff, No, you need to learn to things on your own"  She said walking towards me. 

King let out a little squeak, "well I don't know if you notice...but I can't reach" 

Feeling somewhat sorry for the brown fur, short demon I walked to the fridge opened it took out his apple blood and tossed it to King, "their now don't ask me for anything else got it hamster"

I could see king give me a glare, but I paid not attention, walking out the door wave goodbye to Eda, "I'll be back Eda."

 Closing the door I could hear Eda yell to me, "DON'T DO ANYTHING STUPID KID!!!" making me roll my eyes. 

Walking in a forward path, honestly not knowing where i'm going.   

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