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hi, lovelies!

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hi, lovelies!

woah, it's been a hot minute since i've written on here! i hope whoever's reading this is doing well and is staying safe and keeping hydrated <3 !
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so the reason i made this book was to share my (endless) random prompts i have collecting dust in my drafts that i'm more than likely never going to write. sad, i know, but i hope, if you're here, that you're here to give them a great home!

i'll share the rules and how this is going to work down below. thanks for stopping by!
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H O W I T W O R K S :
so this is going to be different than other plot/prompt shops i've seen around here. since these are basically all my random 2am thoughts, i'll organize them and put the general plot, ship(s) and extra notes i was thinking of when drafting it and you have creative control from there! (NOTE: they're all one shot prompts, but feel free to make into full book if you want)

if it's something i've already started, i'll post what i've written so far and it's up to you to start from there or go your own way :) this is meant to be fun so don't overthink or stress if your views don't match mine, they're not suppose to! i know it's gonna be amazing no matter what ;)
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R U L E S :

✰ drop a follow (if you're not already following me )

✰ if you see a prompt you like, just comment asking if you can have it (nicely pls!!) and i'll answer ASAP (if i don't answer you within 3 days, DM me)

✰ when you request a prompt, tag one person you think might also want a prompt or is going to read your work

✰ multiple people can request the same prompt, but i do not tolerate copying others work. please be original and honest!

✰ try not to request more than one or two prompts at a time

✰ tag me when it's published! i wanna see your amazing work
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D I S C L A I M E R :
please don't judge as like i said, most of these were thought of in the middle of the night and are strange lol

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happy writing!

happy writing!

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endgame [prompt shop] Where stories live. Discover now