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*request is at the bottom of page* 

title; "Friday Night Dinner" 

ship(s); kurt/blaine (background), carole/burt, blaine&burt, blaine&carole 

prompt; every Friday, except a couple nights in season 4, Blaine still comes over to fill the tradition of Friday Night Dinners (since Kurt's in NYC and Blaine doesn't get along that well with his parents) ; per Burt and Caroles (and Kurts) requests. but this time they have a special guest.


- set sometime after 5x01 so klaine is engaged

- "special guests" was gonna be Burt's parents 

- his parents surprised burt and carole by making an impromptu visit to Lima (idk why they would visit ohio of all places but whateva) 

- burt's parents aren't accepting of Kurt, like at all, so they don't keep in contact unless they absolutely have too (i.e. holidays, birthdays, family events, etc. etc.) 

-  i thought of the one shot starting with blaine pulling up to their house and being nervous but he doesn't know why b/c he's been doing this for years now, so he brushes off the feeling 

- when he's about to knock on the door, burt and carole open it so quickly and in a rush and they're like "lol burts parents are here" and blaines all excited cuz, hey, these are his fiancés grandparents! how fun! but they shoot down that idea so quick 

- burts like "hey, blaine, they dont know Kurt has a boyfriend, let alone a fiancé,  so you're just gonna be a family friend/someone from my shop, coming over for dinner tn, okay?" 

- blaines ultimately confused but goes with it. he offers to leave but they say no

- pls pls pls emphasis the family dynamics between the three, like make it seem natural with how they serve dinner, or how blaine knows where all the plates and silverware is. small domestic things like that. make it seem like carole and burt are his actual parents. 

- when burt's parents note about the closeness of the three,  burt makes some story abt how they're really close in the tire shop and blaine's a great worker blah blah blah 

- if u want, u can put finn in it. he might make it less awkward but that's a personal preference  

- they eat dinner 

- it starts off well , they ask blaine abt school and what year he's in, all that jazz.. if finn's there they ask abt rachel yada yada

- they ask abt kurt (note the coldness when they do) and how he's doing 

- blaine forgets for a sec and goes on about how he's in nyada and doing amazing things (make it so proud cuz blaines a sap lol) 

- grandparents are like ?? and blaines like uum, yeah, hes my best friend and we talk a lot. haha. he stuffs his mouth after that 

- grandparents make a remark abt how ofc he went to a performing art school cuz hes gay or whateva (u can use slurs here,, but its not necessary) 

- everyone bites their tongue b/c its almost over 

- they keep dissing kurt and burts about to yell but blaine beats him to it 

- holyyy does he pop off 

- he goes on abt how hes amazing and perfect and a rly great person unlike them and is way more talented then they could ever be 

- burt and carole (and possibly finn) are all of a sudden deaf and cant hear what he's saying 

- grandmothers like "who are you to talk to us like that" 

- blaine: im his FINANCE and walks up stairs to cool off 

- burt tells his parents to leave and all that 

- u can have finn talk to blaine or burt&carole talk to him after 

- blaine feels guilty cuz he's never disrespected elders like that before 

- family feels and all that after 

- ik its long already, but u can have kurt call at the end and be like "how was dinner" and blaine say "oh, wait till i tell u" and then end it there or have him tell him the whole story idc 

- okay we're done 

if you want this prompt, request here. 

*make sure you do all the rules from the intro!* 

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