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*request is at the bottom of the page* 

title; "Sing It For the World" 

ship(s); sherlock/john 

prompt; sing!lock. John and Sherlock have rival singing studios across from one another and the rumor is that Sherlock wants to challenge John to a singing duel to see who's the better singer. John finally grants him that chance.


- u can make this dance!lock if u want ,, i just had more knowledge of singing than dance 

- this is gonna be stupid long im so sorry 

- i basically was thinking of glee when i thought of this so, if u watch that, theres ur inspiration 

- biiig rival/enemy to lover troupe in this one 

- i have stuff written that i'll add at the bottom but heres the gist 

- john opens a music studio across the street of sherlocks and on his first day opening or something, he heads over there and introduces himself, like the sweet guy he is and is all neighborly 

- sherlocks his usual self and waves him off, saying a non- meaningful thank you and deduces a couple of things to show off (u can make john a vet if u want, but its not a major plot thing) he "forgets" john the second he leaves

- couple weeks pass and sherlock realizes that his student count is getting lower and when he wonders why out loud, one of his students freeze/tense or something noticeable 

- sherlock grills them till they spill and tells him that a lot of his students went to john because sherlock was too intense and mean 

-sherlocks like "who the hell is john??" and the students point across the street where there's a small line outside of his studio 

- idek if music studios can have lines so if this isn't right feel free to change it 

- sherlock is enraged and confused and cuts the line, making folks mad, but storms into the studio with his head held high 

- he sees john and a couple of co-workers (u can make them canon characters, irene, molly, etc. etc) at the counter dealing with schedules and payments of people making appointments. 

-sherlock scoffs at the inorganization even tho its the first day. smh sherlock. 

- he goes up to john, who doesnt notice him at first, and coughs and then finally notices him 

- johns like "hey, neighbor. kinda busy but whats up?" 

- sherlock rants to him about stealing his students and driving away all the customers and all that 

- while thats happening, johns working and seems like hes not paying attention but he is. very much so. 

- sherlock calls him out with a "are you even listening to me?!" thinks he's being very intimidated but he is not and johns like "yeah, mhm, u done?" then responds to sherlock 

- he's all like "i forced no one to come to me, they came on their own free will  and maybe u should be blaming urself cuz a lot of ppl left, they told me, b/c of ur teaching methods" 

- OOF 

- sherlocks piiissed 

- he leaves, tells the receptionist (make him/her a canon character if u want) to clear his appointments for the day and tells his students to leave or else 

- they leave and he's left essentially with an empty building, that is until mycroft comes in 

- have him be all sneaky cuz thats just him 

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