part 46

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Kairi: so what are you saying y/n
Y: i'm saying you guys manage to pick out every little thing i do wether you want to admit it or not and i'm tired of it mentally and physically i can't do this anymore i honestly think it's best if i move out away from all of you
Kobe: you've got to be kidding me
Y: i'm not yes you guys have given me some of the best years of my life but maybe i was so blinded by the good that i didn't even realize the bad
Mattia: what could we have possibly done so bad that you need to move out
Y: you guys didn't speak to me for a month after i was sexually assaulted don't forget you guys have replaced me more times than i can count and every last one of you have judged me for shit more times than i can fucking count
Dejuane: ok but what did i do
Y: ha let's not play dumb
Jale: you just met me, sharan, and angel so what did we do
Y: nothing
Sharan: exactly we did nothing
Y: exactly that's the problem no matter what happened with me and someone else in this house you guys did nothing just like the rest of you and y'all really think i need that in my life no i don't and i can't believe i was so dumb that i'm just now realizing it but no longer will i feel left out because i'll no longer be here
Alejandro: this is so childish
Y: no what's childish is i had to show you guys all my cuts for you guys to give a damn about me
Alvaro: so we didn't give a damn because we gave you space
Y: i didn't fucking want space that's what i'm trying to tell y'all that shit is just going through one ear and out the other you know what i'm not wasting my breath on you guys i don't care anymore y'all do what you want with my room but after tomorrow you guys can go right back to acting like i don't exist

i started packing my bags while the others yelled at me and each other after three hours all my bags were packed with all my clothes and shoes and makeup etc the only things left was my vanity, tv, blankets, and towels which i didn't want so i started going back and forth from my room to my car putting my things in once everything was gone i walked into my room just looking around after a while i decided i would just leave tonight so i turned around but bumped into dejuane who was really close behind me to the point where i was looking directly at his chest so i looked up

Y: what do you want
Dejuane: why are you leaving
Y: because it's the best decision for me right now
Dejuane: where are you moving to
Y: new york
Dejuane: really y/n come on
Y: dejuane it's only an hour and forty three minute drive and maybe even closer from the house i won't be far
Dejuane: you don't need to leave you have all of your family right here
Y: and you guys will forever be that to me but i think its time i go i've been with y'all since i was seventeen it's time for me to find my own way of life
Dejuane: do you really think leaving is what's best for you
Y: i know it is dejuane that's why i need to go no matter who i might hurt by doing it
Dejuane: what about the kids
Y: well when it's your days then they'll be with you and when it's mine i'll drive back down here to get them
Dejuane: why can't i just drop them off to you
Y: um i don't think i want anyone knowing where this house is going to be i rather actually get some space from you guys this time but who knows we might all move to new york some day
Dejuane: and what if we don't
Y: then the memories and love i have for all you guys will stay with me forever
Dejuane: so you actually made up your mind huh
Y: yea i did and i'm sorry i have to leave this way but i just can't do it anymore you guys might care about me but sometimes i don't see it and i know that doesn't mean y'all don't care but i need to go i have to go
Dejuane: i think out of everyone i'm going to miss you the most
Y: don't you have challan and i know she'll love you just as much as i did
Dejuane: so you don't love me anymore
Y: trust me dejuane the day i stop loving you you'll know
Dejuane: oh well are you going to be ok
Y: dejuane stop stalling i need to get going
Dejuane: you don't have to go y/n you can stay and we'll change i promise we can all change
Y: sometimes change comes a little too late and that's what this is i don't need change right now i needed it a month ago and it wasn't there
Dejuane: hmmm i'm really going to miss you
Y: i'll miss you too big baby

dejuane gave me a hug and i hugged back when i tried to move he hugged me tighter and i felt a tear fall on my head and it made me start to cry onto his shirt once we finally pulled apart our eyes were red and we looked at each other and laughed then shook our heads we looked at each other a little bit longer until dejuane held one side of my face then kept it there while i held his hand that was on my face after what felt like forever of us just looking at each other he bent over and kissed me


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