part 6

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once kairi came back he saw y/n sleeping so he just looked at her just looking at all her features from her skin to her hair to her beautifully long eyelashes then he called her name as she slowly woke up she saw kairi and she got happy and went in his bed laying on him

Kairi: i missed you too
Y: how's your foot
Kairi: well once it's out the cast i have to go to rehab to get it back to normal other then that everything's fine
Y: i'm sorry bubs i didn't mean to
Kairi: it's fine not like you meant to
Y: i'll help you with your rehab everyday i promise
Kairi: haha thanks y/n
Y: anytime i'll be doctor y/n
Kairi: chile did you call and tell the others
Y: no i forgot i can though
Kairi: it's fine i was just asking

kairi and y/n kept talking until they ended up going to sleep once kairi woke up though he had missed calls from gabby so instead of calling her back he texted her letting her know where he was once she said she was on her way with the others he looked down at y/n and he started gently playing with her hair going from the top of her head to the middle of her back where it stopped he kept doing it until the group walked in so he just moved his eyes looking at the door while y/n laid there still sleep

Mike: how long y'all been in here
Kairi: shi since yesterday
Derek: damn you good
Kairi: i'm fine y/n a lil upset cause of guilt i guess even though i don't blame her shit happens
Gabby: she should feel guilty it's her fault you're in here
Sharan: not too much on my wife

y/n started moving so kairi wrapped his arms around her head soon she stopped moving and her head was pressed against his chest to where she could hear his heartbeat

Gabby: um she's fine you can get her off of you
Kairi: i'm good
Kobe: me and jale are about to go to the vending machine y'all want anything
Kairi: can you give me some chips and y/n some cookies
Kobe: aight i'll be right back
Gabby: why you say get something for y/n and not me
Kairi: because you were right next to them so you could've easily said what you wanted but y/n is sleep and she hasn't eaten since we've been here
Gabby: so it's her over me
Kairi: i'm not doing this right now
Gabby: whatever

gabby walked out and kairi rolled his eyes and laid back on his pillow waiting for kobe and jale to come back once they did kairi woke y/n up giving her the cookies all she did was take them and lay them next to her then she laid back down going to sleep

Vallyk: how much sleep has she been getting
Kairi: that's what i'm wondering can't be a lot because she's been sleep for hours now
Mike: well imma get going get better kai
Kairi: aight

everyone left with mike so it was just kairi and y/n after a while he woke her up and she sat up rubbing her eyes and eating her cookies

Kairi: hey um how much sleep have you been getting
Y: enough
Kairi: don't lie y/n you slept half the day yesterday and today are you getting the amount of sleep you're supposed to
Y: no father i am not
Kairi: come on y/n you have to
Y: i know it's just been hard to go to sleep
Kairi: for now on i'm coming in your room to make sure you are sleep at night
Y: you're going to be a pain in the ass
Kairi: well you're stuck with me so get used to it
Y: sadly
Kairi: let's not sit here and act like you don't love me
Y: oh i love you just can't stand you
Kairi: haha

as they were talking soon the doctor came in with prescription papers along with crunches and instructions on what he needs to do y/n took the instruction papers and prescription papers while kairi grabbed the crunches and signed his release forms then they walked to the car and y/n helped him in then they drove to a pharmacy to get his medicine and continued on the way home once they got there they walked inside and y/n helped kairi upstairs and into his room while he laid down she grabbed him some water and he took his medicine then she grabbed some pillows and put them under his leg

Kairi: damn girl i'll be fine
Y: ok call me if you need anything
Kairi: alright i love you
Y: i love you too

y/n walked out going to the twins room picking them up and taking to azlynn and djs room she also saw julian in there but she sat down playing with them and watching them play then she turned on a movie and they all sat down either near y/n or on her she ended up dozing off once she woke up the kids were circled around her belly watching the baby move around which made her smile so she took a video of them just staring and she laughed then she posted it after she did first tiktokroom reposted it telling her congratulations and she thanked them then dejuane reposted it all she did was like it then she put the kids in their beds and laid the twins with them as she gave them their bottle and dj and azlynn along with julian some fruit and snacks as they ate she went in kairis room seeing him sleep so she sat on the bed just looking at him then playing with his hair while he slowly opened his eyes smiling at y/n

Kairi: how long you been in here
Y: for a few minutes
Kairi: what about the kids
Y: eating and i trust azlynn to put them to sleep after unless they need their diaper changed
Kairi: thank you for taking care of julian like he's your own
Y: he's family and he's like a son to me
Kairi: thanks i know it means a lot to him especially when gabby just leaves him
Y: you don't even have to thank me for taking care of him
Kairi: come here

y/n leaned down and kairi snatched her on top of him then he hugged her head until they fell asleep together


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