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The three waited a while as the doctor hoped he got the right dosage and checking his own math a few times worried he over did it that was until they saw movement Wash had started to regain consciousness looking around a little lost

Sho: hey how are you feeling Wash: ya it just I feel weird Doctor: that's cause the drugs in your system aren't all gone I'm shocked to see you alive actually the dosage that you drank at that bar should have killed you, you should feel lucky that your around to try and find out who drugged you though Mae: ya I'm sure they will spend a lot of time in prison because of what they have done Wash: so how long till I will be let out Doctor: oh I don't know maybe a week maybe two depends on how fast the drugs leave your system we'll also be slowly taking you off the drug your on the more your body doesn't rely on it the better so I'm sure your friends want to talk to you about what you wanted

The doctor left leaving the three to talk Wash looked at the two unsure what they wanted to say Wash waited for them to speak first

Sho: so could you tell me what you remember before being knocked out Wash: well there wasn't much I was talking to Mae before you got offended and you looked away a bit upset as Mae brought up an embarrassing moment for you and then I grabbed my drink and drank it I felt weird then everything started to go dark I don't know what happened but I don't know where I was it was all dark I'm not sure what I was I'm not even sure if it was a dream or if it was real but I saw some light I'm still not sure what it was but I'm sure it was a figure Mae: hm well that's quite a weird dream Wash: ya I guess it is

The two had to leave Wash as visiting hours were over after a few days Wash was let out of the hospital but once he got home Bill wasn't happy with him

Bill: and where have you been for a few months Wash: can we not or at least let's do this upstairs Bill: fine we'll talk in your room about why you didn't come home

The two walked up stairs into Wash's room seeing nothing really changed since he was gone

Bill: now do you want to tell me what happened to you Wash: I may have gone to a party with a friend in a club and got drugged Bill: WHAT Rick: what's wrong Wash: NOTHING Rick: ok Wash: look it was just nothing I'm fine now plus I am legally allowed in clubs remember so it was my choice to go I wasn't careful enough and I just got drugged but who did it obviously didn't know what they were doing Bill: well if you ended up in hospital most likely their first time doing it

Wash stated to think back on his weird dream with the figure of light still unsure what it meant he started to research it trying to know what it could mean besides those descripting that it could be an angel he found nothing Wash was annoyed with the whole thing knowing he had school in two days was another thing

Wash: why did I see that why did my mind make that I don't get it maybe it's nothing Mom: what's nothing Wash: oh nothing just a dream I'm wanting to know what it was for but I guess it was nothing Mom: I've had many dreams that no one can explain but that's the way it works it could just be a dream life is full of many things that can never be explained like where things came from in a time of desperation the mind makes up many things just to make the horrors of the world liveable I know you want to figure it out but you can't know everything if we could then what's the point in living

Wash just smiled at his mother knowing she had changed since the base

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