chapter 6

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She paced around the room nervously.

"I can't be pregnant we used protection," she mumbled.

Just then there was a knock on the door.

"Marie honey, daniel is here to see you."

"I don't want to see him mom tell him to go away."

"Are you sure dear, he looks heartbroken and he's been crying, just talk to him."


She heard he mother go back down stairs.

I need to breathe... Its probably nothing just a late period that's all right? She tried to fake a smile but she couldn't.

She grabbed her jacket and climbed out the window which was right next to a tree branch which she easily climbed on. When she got on the ground she saw that Daniel's car was still there.

"Mom is probably comforting him."

She flipped up her hood and walked down the road at a swift pace.

"I have to find out the truth....."

She walked to the drug store down the road. When she entered she walked around nervously and a few people glanced at her.

Where are they? she thought, probably with the other feminine products. She walked down the isle and saw a pregnancy test.


She walked up to the counter and paid. When she was walking home she saw Daniel go outside her house.

Shit gotta hide but where?!

Marie jumped in a bush.

"Thanks for everything's Ms. Valentine I just wish she would talk to me I didn't mean for anything to happen...I love her so much," daniel choked out the last sentence.

"Drive safely Daniel and everything is going to be alright she just takes some time," she could hear her mother assure him.

She heard the front door close and Daniel's car start.

A few more minutes just a few more minutes.

She waited for Daniel to drive away but he didn't . He sat in front of her house for a few more minutes and then pulled away.


She scrambled back up the tree and climbed through her window. She took the pregnancy test out of the box and went into the bathroom. There was on knock on the door while she was activating the test.


"Yes mom?"

"Why didn't you talk to Daniel?"

"I don't want to he's nothing to me anymore, that chapter of my life is closed, he'll be gone tomorrow and I'll still be here!"

"Honey he doesn't want to go, he was fighting for days to stay here , to stay with you he didn't tell you because he had hope that he could convince his parents to stay."

"Just leave me alone."

Her mother lingered by the door a few seconds and then left sighing in defeat.

Marie looked down at the test. It was positive....


Marie put it in her back pocket and walked downstairs.

"Hey mom," she looked down.

"What's wrong dear," her eyes softened.

"Mom...I-um I-um I'm pregnant....and Daniel is the father......"

Oh snap! Way to end the chapter right? I have to keep you guys interested somehow*pouts* anyways if your reading my other book also please be aware that I won't be updating it for a few days. Thank you for reading don't be afraid to comment and vote.

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