5- Distorted HP

1.1K 40 10

3rd POV

Ink and Error kept chatting for a while.. Well, in reality, Ink tried to talk, while Error responded with childish arguments, or directly ignored him unless Ink said something stupid.

Ink's POV

I feel like im forgetting something... Let me think..


No.. Not that far..


Error's gift!

-Uhh.. Wait a second, Stay here, ok?

-Not like i can move anywhere, dumb-ss

-Right- uhh..

Ill quickly just draw this.. There!


-Huh? Chocolate?

-Yep! you wanna try it? I can assure you its not poisoned, let me take a-

-NO, ill try it, besides, its not like it will do anything too bad to me.

-Uhh- alright?

Ok, he took a bite- WHY IS HIS HP GOING CRAZY I-

*Sound of a soul losing 0.1 damage but distorted*

oh god, did i add purple  by accident to a food again?-

-It tastes good.


-Didint you just lose hp?

-Yeah, my health goes crazy everytime i eat, im a glitch after all.

-oh.. eh-Anyways, let me just create another chocolate to see if you can heal that 0.1, we dont want you dying here, right?

-If dying led me out of here, i would welcome death with open arms.

-Oh, seriously?


-Alright then.

Ill just take out my brush and paint some red on him to scare him, not too much so he wont die...


*Sound of a soul healing hp,less distorted*

-Why did you heal me?

-I, um- dont want you to die, because you are an AU too, and my mission is to protect AUS, or "Anomalies", as you like to call them.

Best improvisation ever, theres no way he actually-

-Doesent red mean bad stuff though?

-Uh, no, why would you think that?

crapcrapcrapcrapcrap i need him to think im a good guy or he wont trust me, i still need to figure out what this pink heart means!

-Oh, I just assumed so since Underfell is all angry, and they always use red and black clothes

-Oh, It must be a silly coincidence!

Error's POV

Something inside me tells me that i shouldnt believe this guy one bit, but i really dont know him, and he may be telling the truth- Agh! What. am. i. THINKING!? THIS GUY COULD BE PLOTTING TO MURDER ME FOR ALL I KNOW! WHY AM I TRUSTING THAT "INK" GUY WITH MY LIFE!? I NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE AND RETURN TO DO MY JOB!! NOBODY ELSE WILL TAKE OUT THE TRASH ANYWAY!

-Excuse me, "Ink" but when will i get out of here?

-When you stop being a bad guy, i guess-

-You mean the gang or a bad guy in general?



-Dont be so negative! you have a bed, food, and a TV!

-Can i watch UnderNovela? (also whats a tee vee-)

-Sure, i dont mind, A TV is a box where you can watch stuff

-Alright, get that tee vee thingy and ill watch undernovela.

-Can i watch with you?

-If you manage to stay 6 feet away from me while doing so, yes.


-An UnderNovela marathon later..-
(while Ink got closer and closer to Error but glitchy didint notice cuz undernovela)

-Are you still her-.. ..aAAAAA- *suddently, blindness!* -AAAA WHERE THE F-CK ARE YOU I WANNA CRUSH YOUR KNEECAPS


Ink's POV

Why is he freaking out so badly? I- RIGHT- HE HAS F-CKING HAPHEPHOBIA-

Ill- umm- slowly boop him, if i have enough luck, he will get confused and stay still a few seconds so i  can calm him down.

3rd POV

Ink booped Error in his nose, and Error, with all the strong emotions he was feeling, had a Mini-crash (Those  crashes take only 5 minutes), Ink put the glitch in a more comfy position, Error still had the chains, so it was easier for Ink to grab him by the chains instead of his body, because that would make him glitch even more, which would hurt him.. And lets just say we dont want that.

Ink took Error in his lap, using a blanket for Error not to notice he was touching someone, as he would notice the blanket instead.

After Error finished his Mini-crash, he  noticed that he was somehow taller, he looked left and right but couldnt see Ink, so he continued watching undernovela "without him"


A/n : Heya! J. here!

I took too long, didint i?

I was out of ideas on how to continue, but luckily this apeared in my mind!

Dont forget, suggestions can be sent and gramatical errors can be corrected! ive seen some ppl who dont allow them, but im perfectly fine with some corrections, as long as its respectful to me :>

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