tobio kageyama<3

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-hes a top, definitly does like dom/sub too. (he will bottom, but not often though)
-hes more vocal then not, but hes not like moaning his head off the whole time.
-packing. i said what i said.
-he likes to chain you up more than tying you with ropes or ties.
-he probably has a hair pulling kink
-100% has a scratches kink. like he wants you to make him bleed.

-hes super big on cuddling
-always the little spoon
-he always makes you breakfast in bed because "my princess deserves to be treated like one"
-big on pda but when u guys are in private hes a big teddy bear.
-he loves practicing with you so when you go to after school practices you can sometimes play in games with them for fun:)

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