House For Sale?

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Staring out the window at the rain dropping down one by one... I got up to walk to my room, I noticed my best friend Maria standing at the door and tears rolling down her face. As I open the door she burst out and hugs me. "Maria What's wrong?" She looked up at me and unleashed her hand from my waist. "I've known for months.." I made a confused look on my face. "You known what?" I shrugged my shoulders. "We're moving. We are moving away in 2 weeks, I am sorry I didn't tell you sooner." She burst into tears and hugged me and I comforted her and hugged her back. "We're are you moving to?" " I am moving to a town called Hawkins." My eyes widened. "You realize how much danger there is in that town?" I sighed. "I don't want you in danger Maria. "I know, I will let you process this." As she was walking to the door I grabbed her hand. " I am gonna miss you." I let go. "Gonna miss you to." She walked out the door and shut it. I ran to my room and sat on my bed. Devastated, confused, angry. Things where rushing in my head. Why, Why are they leaving? Words couldn't explain for how many emotions I had. I screamed in pain for Maria was the only one I could ever talk to and she was about to move 2,578 miles away. My mother heard the scream. She came running upstairs from the laundry room for she thought I had hurt myself. "Dani?" She opened the door. "What's wrong sweetie?" She wiped the tears off my face but they kept coming. "M-Maria is moving, to Hawkins." Her head fell as she heard what I said. "I am sorry Dani." She hugged me and I hugged her back. She went downstairs to make dinner, I had this crazy idea pop in my head. What if... what if Maria can stay with us! I knew it was a amazing plan. I ran down the stairs. My mother stared at me like I was crazy. "MOM! MARIA CAN JUST STAY WITH US!" I yelled so loud my father downstairs told me to be quiet. "You see sweetie, I don't think her mom would want her to be here I mean 2,578 miles away is a lot." I stopped jumping. I was quite for the rest of the night. 1 week later and we finally heard from Maria's mom she is able to stay! I can't wait to help my best friend move into my bedroom with me! It's now 8:13pm and we just finished her room. I kept jumping for how excited I was! She laughed and we started playing music. We have had the best time together! But then 6 weeks later something huge happened. I am talking big, and it's not good. "Hey Brain!" I looked up at her confused because that was my boyfriends name. "Maria is that my boyfriend?" She rolled her eyes at me "Duh there are no other Brains in this school." My face grew with anger. I laughed "Why are you ca- she cut me off "Oh I guess he didn't tell you. Right. Well Dani, we have been talking for a few months!" A smirk grew on her face and a scrunched nose grew on mine. "Me and Brain have been dating for year." She laughed "Silly me my mistake." I walked over to the phone and ripped the cord out. "No more Brain." She screamed at the top of her lungs. "WHY DID YOU DO THIS?" I grabbed her hair and yanked on it. "AHHH MY HAIR STOP IT YOU BITCH"
I let go and her head fell on the ground. "Fuck you. We are done. Pack your shit. I never wanna see you again." I started packing her stuff into boxes. She muttered to herself. "I hate you." I asked what she said. She stayed silent. After a few days her mother was there to pick her up. I shoved her out the door and flipped her off. "Bye shit head. My mother turned to me. "DANIELLE JULIA WESTLING! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT YOU DO NOT DO THAT IN FRONT OF PARENTS." What can I say my mother tried to raise me right?
It's been 4 weeks since the whole thing. I see some new neighbors coming into the town. Looks like a family of three. "What are you doing stalker?" I jumped in terror for my brother had snuck up behind me. "SHIT. Jacob you can't do that." "Jacob you can't do that." He said mocking me. I walked away and pushed him by the side. Before I could get passed him he pushed me over and knocked me onto the floor. "JACOB!" I yelled in anger. "YOU ARE SUCH A BITCH!" I got up and ran to my room. My mother came in with a basket of laundry. "Danielle I expect you take do your laundry and bake cookies to take to the new neighbors. Maybe you will find a better friend." I looked down. "Mom Maria was one of my best friends. Until she messed everything up. I don't wanna talk about her anymore... Okay?"
My mother nodded her head and dropped the basket on my floor and went downstairs. I started to put my laundry away when I noticed something. It was a note, but from who? To Dani from Maria? This isn't right. Is it? I opened the letter. I read. "Hey Dani it's Maria and I just wanted to let you know nothing will come between us not even stupid boys! Boys are so annoying!" Under the note it had the grade we were in. 4th grade. Yes, that's when drama became a thing. I sighed and set the note aside on my bed. I finished putting my laundry away and went downstairs and started baking cookies. Hmm chocolate chip or sugar cookies? I guess I'll do chocolate chip. I added all the ingredients together. Mixing, then putting them in the oven. After the timer went off I let them cook on a cookie sheet. About 45 minutes later and it's time to meet the neighbors!

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