Wanting & Waiting

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I had just finished the snow crab legs,salad and homemade raspberry lemonade. I knew she was probably done in the bathroom by now. I went up the stairs to let her know that dinner was done. I opened the door to my bedroom and there she was in a pair of black lacy panties and she was just putting her bra on and my mouth started watering at the sight of her. All right Jeff ..keep your cool Enigma! She was shimmimimg into her jeans and turned around and yelled my name. "Jeff you scared the hell out of me"! I said,"I'm sorry honey. I was just coming up to tell you that dinner is ready". "Oh ok. Thanks". I hurried back downstairs to give her some privacy. Man I just couldn't get the image of her out of my mind! She is hands down the most incredibly and naturally beautiful woman I had ever seen in my life! "Jeff"? Her voice suddenly snapped me out of my thoughts about her. "I'm sorry honey. What were you saying baby"? I couldn't stop staring at but I sure was trying hard not to freak her out or allow her to think I was some type of dirty old perv. She smiled at me. "I um,was asking if you wanted me to help with anything"? "The gentleman in me doesn't want you to do anything but sit there and look pretty",I chuckled. She blushed prettily. "But the other half of me says there's no harm in you setting the table for us". I winked at her as she returned my smile. "Okay then. I'll set the table". She looked at me. "Uh Jeff? Where do you keep the plates"? I turned and reached above her,my chest mere inches from her face. I handed her the plates. She set the plates out on the table. "Jeff"? "Yeah"? "Uh where's the glasses"? I had set the food on the plates. "Oh,right here",I replied as I opened the top cabinet for her. As I did so,my chest brushed up against her back. "And the silverware is in this drawer",I said as we both reached for the drawer and my hand slid over hers. I felt her shiver when it happened. "Hey are you cold"? She turned red quickly. "No,um,I just uh,lemme finish setting the table",she mumbled cutely. I politely backed away and filled the glasses with lemonade. I held the chair out for her and she looked at me oddly. I waited til she was seated comfy before lightly pushing the chair in for her. Then I sat down across from her. "What? Lemme guess you're not use to having a man pull out a chair for you are you"? She looked down at her plate. "No actually I'm not. You totally took me by surprise with that one. And thank you for being so nice Jeff". I smiled at her. "You're not used to that either are ya"? She shook her head no. "No,I'm not". She took a bite of her food and exclaimed,"Oh my goodness! Jeff this is absolutely amazing"! I grinned. "I'm real glad you like it. It's my dad's recipe actually". I watched her take a couple of more bites. Joy and happiness lighting up her breathtaking features. I was really happy I could make her smile. We ate and then we washed the dishes together (that tiny stubborn woman refused to let me go and do them by myself). "Jeff"? I turned to her. "Yeah honey"? "Forget it sorry",she said as she turned away and I slipped my hand around her slender wrist. "Des,wanna take a quick dip with me in the pool? I'll start a fire afterwards and we can sit close and warm back up". She looked at me. "Yeah,sure". I took her hand in mine and rushed up the stairs to my bedroom,taking the stairs two at a time. I pulled open a drawer and yanked out my swim trunks. I hurried to change right there in my room while Des snatched a bikini and rushed to the bathroom. As she was emerging,I had my back to her as I was pulling up my trunks,so I was pretty sure she had just caught a glimpse of my entire backside. "Wait for me honey". She did. Playfully I turned to her and said,"Wanna a piggy back ride to the pool honey"? She laughed and happily indulged me. When we got to the edge of the pool,I jumped right in. She shrieked with delight as I did. We swam a couple of laps together,side by side. Then we treaded water and talked for awhile. I was loving her company sooooo much man! In the process of our swim,my hair had come partially undone and was all kinds of crazy. She swam over to me. Seeing her laughing,I asked,"My hair must be a hot mess huh"? She giggled. "Nothing I can't fix my sweet Enigma",she said. She reached up and took the rest of my hair down and fluffed it for me,her breasts grazing my chest as she did. Man,I'm not gonna lie she turned me all the way on with just that simplistic sweet gesture. I looked down at her. Man I wanted so badly to take her in my arms and kiss her. I wasn't about to scare her away from me though so I chose not to,at least not right now. "I'm really feeling you Des",I ventured. "I'm really feeling you too Jeff",she softly responded. "Great. So what would you say if I asked you to come away to Hawaii with me for a few days? There's plenty to do there honey. And I'd really love to spend all my time with you". Incredously she looked up at me. "Jeff,oh my goodness! Are you sure you want to take me with you"? I studied her face and searched her eyes deeply. "If I wasn't sure about you baby,then I never would have asked you to come with me". I wasn't expecting for her to hug me fiercely. Or to kiss my chest,over my heart again. And I definitely wasn't prepared for the quick peck of her lips against mine before she just naturally relaxed against my body,wrapping her legs around my waist and resting her head on my chest.

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