Chapter Six

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Ryder was sitting on his bean bag at the top of the Lookout. He couldn't fall asleep because of Chase. He wanted to make sure that he was safe, but he couldn't. Chase could protect himself, but that didn't stop Ryder from worrying about Chase. He remembered when Chase came to his house. He was replaying all the fun times he had had with the german shepherd when the elevator dinged and the doors opened. He looked over and noticed a black and white pup walking up to him.

"Oh, you're still awake," Ryder said.

"I was going to say the same thing about you," Marshall exclaimed.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be asleep?"

"I couldn't fall asleep." Marshall laid his head on Ryder's lap. Ryder scratched the top of Marshall's head.

"Worried about Chase?"

"Mhmm," Marshall replied.

"Me too, Marshall, me too."

They sat there in silence for a minute, Marshall spoke again. "Do you think he's okay?"

"Chase? I am positive that he is perfectly fine. If anyone could survive being lost in the woods, it's Chase."

"I don't know what to do, Ryder," Marshall confessed. "I won't know what to do if something bad happens to Chase. He's my brother. Always has been and always will be. We have been through a lot together. You know what I mean?"

"I do, Marshall. You and I both have gone through a lot with Chase by our side. Even before the Paw Patrol, we were always together. But I promise that we will find him before it's too late."

"Do you have a plan so far?"

"I don't know, but I know where to look." He turned on the screen monitor. "Adventure Bay is surrounded by many different biomes. We got the mountains, the bay, the desert, and the rainforest. I know that he was lost somewhere around here." Ryder pointed at the right side of the map.

"So he was lost in those mountains, but that doesn't mean that he is still there," Marshall commented.

Ryder looked at him and knitted her eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

Marshall walked over to the map. "So all of these lines are roads, right?"

"Yes," Ryder replied.

"So how do you know that Chase was not picked up again and was taken to some other part of the map? They could have returned and taken him anywhere."

Ryder scratched his chin. "You're right, Marshall. I am going to see if Mayor Goodway, Jake, Carlos and Tracker, and others are willing to help find him, which I'm sure they would be. We will continue to look for him in the mountains where he was last reported."

Ryder turned off the monitor and sat back down on his bean bag, Marshall sat down next to the bean bag. He looked over at Ryder, but Ryder was staring off into space with a nervous look on his face. Marshall knew that this was hurting Ryder a lot. Chase was his first dog, after all. Ryder wanted nothing but the best for Chase and the pups. Having to see how his pup was being treated was horrible. Marshall couldn't imagine what was going through his mind. Ryder picked Marshall up and put Marshall on his lap. Marshall laid his head down as Ryder stroked his head. Despite being in pain, Ryder still tried to comfort Marshall.

"Thanks, Ryder," Marshall said.

Ryder nodded subtly. "Anytime, Marshall."

Marshall got up and walked towards the elevator. "Goodnight, Ryder."

"Goodnight, Marshall," Ryder replied. The elevator doors closed and Marshall descended the first floor. He knew that if he wanted to find Chase, he had to be energized, so he had to go to sleep. As the elevator doors opened, he noticed a certain husky walking to her puphouse. He decided to talk to her before going to sleep.

He walked over to her. "Hey Everest, what are you doing up so late?" he asked.

"Me? Oh, I..." She looked behind her but saw that Skye was no longer there. "Nothing," she claimed. "And you?"

"I was just talking to Ryder for a while. We were talking about a plan to save Chase."

"Got anything so far?"

"We only know where he disappeared, but he could be anywhere?"

"This must be hard for you."

"What is?"

"Losing your brother like that."

"Yeah, it is pretty hard. But if there is anything that Chase taught me, it's to never give up. Stay strong. Always look forward."

"That's very wise."

"Yeah," Marshall chuckled. "Our parents always told us stuff like that."

"Well, if you need anything, just come to me, okay?" Everest said, putting her paw over his. This action caused them both to blush. They had feelings for each other but did not know how to express them or if the other one felt the same way. Everest separated her hand.

Marshall looked at her and smiled. Everest smiled back. They stared into each other's eyes for what felt like minutes but was only a couple of seconds. Finally, Everest broke eye contact. She frowned and looked down at the floor, embarrassed.

Marshall lowered his head so he was closer to Everest's eye level. "What's wrong?" he asked. "Are you okay?"

"I'm not sure," she confessed. "I guess...I'm just worried for Skye and Ryder, that's all."

Marshall nodded. "I understand. Skye must be having a hard time with this."

Everest looked up at him. "You know about Skye and how she feels about Chase."

"Of course," Marshall said. "Chase was the one who saved her all those years ago. It's no wonder why she would want to save him. I guess it's one of those "You help me, I help you" kind of situations."

Everest felt relieved. Marshall didn't know about Skye's true feelings towards the German shepherd. "Yeah, I guess so," Everest chuckled.

Marshall felt good to see Everest chuckle. "Come on, I'll walk you to your puphouse." Marshall's puphouse was right behind them but Everest's puphouse was on the other side of the Lookout. As they walked, they stood extremely close to each other unknowingly. When they got to her puphouse, Everest decided to risk it.

"Hey Marshall, I have to tell you something," she said.

Marshall looked over at her. "Sure, what's up?" he asked.

"I...I...uh...I just wanted to ask if you can stay with me tonight," she stuttered. She didn't mean for that to come out, but she was too nervous to tell him how she feels, and that was the first thing that came to mind. She had to back it up, so then it doesn't sound awkward. "I...uh... I parked my puphouse a bit far away from everyone else and I didn't want to be alone."

"Sure, I'll stay," Marshall replied.

Everest looked at him in shock. " will?"

"Why not? Don't want you to be alone, right?"

"Right," Everest replied, smiling wide. They entered her puphouse one by one. Everest laid down on her bed. Marshall found a blanket and covered Everest with it. "You won't be cold, will you?"

Marshall shrugged. "I'll be fine," he replied.

Everest smirked. "Well, don't want you to be cold, right?" she said as she put the blanket over Marshall and snuggled in closer into his side. At this point, Marshall was blushing red but Everest couldn't tell because of the darkness.

"R...right," Marshall stuttered. They stayed there with their eyes closed, enjoying each other's company. Everest placed her head on top of Marshall's paw, which he responded to by leaning his head against hers. They fell asleep almost instantly, smiling at the moment. Nothing could take this away from them.

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