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After my 7th lap around the gym all the volleyball members started to come in it was going fine until i lock eyes with that ushijima boy
Coach: hey you!
He says looking at me
Coach: come get your jersey
I see tendou whisper something in ushijimas ear after the coach told me to come get my jersey
Y/n: for fucks s semissake....
I whisper to myself after i walk to the coach to get my jersey
Tendou: i didnt know girls could join the boys volleyball team
Y/n: oh shut up for once
I say as i grab my jersey and head to the bathroom to change after i changed into my uniforms  for volleyball i head back to the gym where i see all the guys blush as i put my hair up into a ponytail
Y/n: take a picture, it'll last longer
I say as i smirk and head bet to the end of the line where number 3 stands
???: hey, what's your name kiddo ?
Y/n: y/n y/l/n what's yours ?
Semi: Eita semi
Y/n: nice to meet you semi
Semi: nice to meet you too
It's Tendōus turn to hit the ball over the net and when i tell you this man looked S like this man looked so SCRUMPTIOUS like ouuuu weeee ehem anyways it was finally my turn and i was kinda- not even kinda because a bitch was nervous and scared as hell cause I had a no experience non what's so ever i looked over to semi and he just gave me a thumbs up i look over and tendou and ushijima are trying to hold in their laugh
Coach: were waiting
Y/n: r-right
I instantly throw up the ball without thinking of what to do next "  fuck fuck fuck fuck ok just hit the ball"  i ran up a little jumped then hit the ball over the net everybody gasped as tendou along with everybody were left shocked i didnt realize how hard it actually hit the ball until I looked at my hand because it started to leave a stingy sensation on my palm
Y/n: ouch..
I whisper to myself as everybody starts to talk to each other
Coach: 10 laps around the gym!
The coach ordered as i started to jog around the gym i feel someone by my side i look over and its semi
Y/n: oh hey semi
Semi: that was fucking cool!
He says smiling and jogging with me
Y/n: meh not really all i did was hit the ball over the net
Semi:not only did your do that but you also popped the ball because of the amount of force you put into it
Y/n: did i actually-
Tendou: excuse me but imma go ahead and steal her away from you for a solid 5 minutes
Semi: what-
I then feel myself being dragged away from semi and out of the gym into the boys bathroom
Y/n: hey I'm not even allowed in he-
I feel myself get thrown against somebody but i feel someone infront of me
Y/n; ok now what the fuck?!
Tendou: why the fuck are you acting like this?!
I feel hands wrap around my stomach i move my head to look behind me and its ushijima holding onto me so i don't run?
Y/n: what the fuck are you talking about
Tendou: you heard me! Why the fuck are you hanging around with semi and not me?! 
Y/n: I'm not gonna hang around with someone who never texted me when i moved somewhere and found new bestfriend and not to mention everything i do you always turn to this tall bitch and whisper some shit in his ear oh and not to fucking forget but you two were the same ones laughing at me because i didnt hurry up and hit the ball so fuck off and let go of me
Ushijima: we weren't laughing at you and all the things tendou told me were things he thinks youll-
Y/n: did i fucking ask you speak? No now shut the fuck up
Tendou: ok so how about we catch up on all the things we've missed then? Since its such a huge  problem
Y/n: how the fuck are we gonna catch up on things in the spans of 5 minutes. Now about to be 4
Tendou looks up at ushijima and smirks
Tendou: like this

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