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Bakugou's pov

Now is my second year in UA... Honestly, I can't believe I actually went that far. Everything is still boring as usual though. I stopped picking on Deku and became more like a... What did they call that again? A frenemy. That is complete bullshit but I guess it concludes my relationship with that stupid nerd. Though I won't tell him this but I actually low-key enjoy his company. He always has hero information that I don't know. Still, I can't really make friends with anyone except Deku and the idiots that call themselves the BaKUsqUad. All thanks to the anger issues I got from the old hag.

Speaking of which, That Walmart Elsa is getting on my nerves! For some reason I feel sick around him, my face heats up and my heart beats faster. I always catch myself looking at him when I have a chance. It feel likes I am in some sort of trance. And I absolutely hate it! It made my academics drop real bad. It is all that stupid Canada flag looking walking Pepsi's fault! I have to be the best of the best! I won't let an idiot like Todoroki get in the way.


Todoroki's pov

 Everything is going fine, especially school. I feel more comfortable around the class and Shinso joined our class. I think the main reason for that is because Shinso is Aizawa sensei's secret love child.

There is one thing that I don't really understand... 

I am trying my best to make friends with everyone in class, even Mineta. I kinda felt bad for him as he was always alone. And it turns out he really isn't that bad! I convinced him in stop being a pervert. He apologized and was forgiven by the ladies in our class.  I succeeded getting along with most people in class. Well, except Bakugou. I always wanted to befriend him as he has a strong quirk and a very passionate heart. Now. he has better control of his temper than in first year and stopped lashing out on his classmates that often. Yet he still tend to yell and throw weird insults at me when I try talking to him. I don't understand why he hates me that much. Did I do something wrong?

Another thing that has been bothering me is my family problems. I know Endeavour is trying his best to make it up to the family... I honestly really appreciate that. However, I just can't get over the trauma from the past events. Now they are even in my dreams. Although I try to stay strong in front of him I am still scared to death deep inside... I feel like I need someone I can trust and rely on to help me get through this, I truly do want a happy family. But who can I get help from?

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