🌸 Hanahaki 🌸

59 1 4

( If you read my other story you will find this chapter familiar )

Lying down on a field of beautiful white and red flowers with thorns growing out of my skin and flowers reaching out of my mouth...

The pain is unbearable.

I tried to scream out loud as it helps me numb the pain but with the flowers and thorns reaching and racing out of my mouth...

I can't let out a single scream.

I know this is going to happen and I know there is a cure but I am willing to die for him. I mean, I would have died a long time ago if it weren't for him.  At least I get to end this suffer in such a beautiful place. I closed my eyes as my mind drift into a memory from three months ago...

'Come on you can do it!' I murmured to myself. After studying in UA for 5 months, I am deeply in love with Bakugou. I don't know if he feels the same way but I know it is time to pick up my courage and ask him out.

As I don't want to ask him face to face, I wrote a small note instead and slip it in his locker, hoping he will notice it. I know his answer is most likely a NO and I promised myself not to cry even if he rejects me. I mean that him rejecting me can't be much of a big deal... right?

After school, I quickly run to my locker to see if Bakugou has given me a respond yet. I immediately spot the note I gave him earlier. I grabbed it and ran to the nearest restroom I see. I opened the piece of paper:


DEAR Bakugou,

I know this is a bit awkward but will you be my boyfriend? I have loved you ever since I studied in UA. Todoroki

NO. I don't care if this is a stupid prank of yours to toy with my feelings or not. Even if it is not a prank ( which I bet it is ) my answer is still no. We are just friends and besides, I am not interested in having a relationship yet. I AM GOING TO BE THE NUMBER ONE HERO!


FRIENDS... this word hurts me so much right now. Tears stream down my cheeks, I really meant it when I told Bakugou I love him... Why would he ever think that this is a prank? But even if he knew that this is not a prank I bet his answer is still a no. I can feel my heart breaking into pieces...

The next day...

As usual, I still have to attend school. I walked into the home room and put down my backpack. I tried my best not to have any eye contact with Bakugou because I don't want things to go all awkward. Bakugou looked at me for a moment and walk towards me. I looked back at him trying to act normal like nothing happened yesterday. But as soon as I meet his gaze I suddenly want to cough so badly. I covered my mouth and coughed, when I open my hand there is a red flower petal with some blood...

WAIT THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING! I soon realized I have the Hanahaki disease. A deadly disease that is caused by lovesick.


Time for some fictional knowledge😏

The Hanahaki Disease is an illness born from unrequited love, where the patient's throat will fill up with flowers, they will then proceed to throw up or cough up the petals (sometimes even the flowers).

One of the only ways for the disease to 'disappear' is if, the said person returns the feeling (it can't be resolved with friendship, it has to be genuine feelings of love).

The infection can also be removed through surgery, though the feelings disappear along with the petals. If they choose nether options, or the feeling is not returned in time, then the patient's lungs will fill up with flowers, and will eventually suffocate. (resource: urbandictionary.com)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2021 ⏰

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