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Ayo, it's me. I'm going to write down what I thought about the story and process and some extra cute and nice information to help yall sleep at night. lets go.

Aidan was in fact arrested, the police ended up finding enough evidence and Noelle had stabbed him in his leg before she left so he couldn't lay a hand on Carly. Aidan was arrested for 10 years... you can leave the rest to your imagination. 

I purposely left the gender of Rowan's soulmate and s/o unidentified because I honestly couldn't decide. But you can make it whomever you want it to be. 

Noelle and Carly had been together for 3 months before separating.

Noelle moved to California and spent the 10 years with her eldest brother who ran away when he was younger.

Aidan's soulmate was a dude, and since Aidan couldn't accept this fact, he decided to keep Noelle. 

Aidan's parents ended up going against him in court, being mortified over what he did. 

Breanne knew about Carly the whole time, she knew before Carly did and knew about the abuse.

Noelle was also physically abused as well as mentally but hid it from Carly cause she was scared Carly would kill him in his sleep.

Noelle's parents accepted her over time.

Carly quit smoking weed because Noelle said it made her breath smell bad and she wouldn't kiss her if she did it.

Noelle was actually bisexual but could only see herself being with Carly.

Noelle knew something was up when Aidan wasn't able to have sex with her anymore because he couldn't get turned on by girls. 

Carly's dad was already dead and Carly's mom was in jail ever since she murdered Rowan's soulmate. 

Noelle and Carly never got married but just pretended they already were. 

Carly was a chef before she made her own store with Liam. 

Carly and Liam met when he was hitting on Rowan and they had the same exact personality.

Liam met his soulmate but didn't like them so he avoided them. 

Carly graduated high school with one of the lowest GPA's in the grade

This was my first time writing a story in third person.

Me and Carly are basically the same person.

Noelle was originally supposed to die at the end. 

I started writing this in October.

It was supposed to be a short story.

It was supposed to be 20 parts.

Carly was originally supposed to find out that Aidan knew and overdose and almost die and have a huge argument with Noelle about it. 

Soulmate separation was something I totally winged and just went with it as I wrote.

Aidan was an actual psychopath. 

I don't think I will write a second book, maybe one on Rowan's story but that's it. 

I started writing for my friend.

This is my first story with something fictional and a gay relationship.

I pulled many all nighters writing this. 

Finished Tuesday, December 29th, 4:42 am (: 

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