Our Beginning

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Year 20XX, XX/0X

   Young 6-year-old Prince Hibino Shintarou sat in his room, staring off at the window, awaiting Mr. Honda to teach him Italian. But the rain was pouring more than usual and his mother reminded him Mr. Honda could cancel their meeting any time. Feeling down with those negative thoughts, he curled up by the window sill, hanging his head low into his knees. His mind was filled with those thoughts, he didn't take note of the creaking door open.

   A black haired child peeked into the room, fringe blocking most of the childs' face but the child still saw the depressing aura surrounding the prince. The new child rubbed the heel of their shoe on the floor before taking a deep breath and stepping into Prince Shintarou's territory. But the boy didn't notice them until they reached his side and tapped his shoulder.

   "Prince Hibino-san?" the child called out while slightly tapping his shoulder. When the boy ignored the stranger, the youngster called out once more, "Shin? Daijobu? (Are you ok?)"

   With that, Shintarou snapped back to reality and turned his head, only to smile at the stranger. "Miyazawa-san... Im okay... Just tired."

   "If so, you should be in your bed..." This 'Miyazawa' muttered while grabbing the ends of a blanket and tossing it towards his direction, wrapping gently over his back. Miyazawa noticed how his shivers died down and a smile grew. 'He really is sad without Mr. Honda... Even I know that, but I find him untrustworthy...'

   Prince Shintarou noticed the dark look in Miyazawa's eye and asked softly, "Is something bothering you, H-Hanabi-san?"

    Miyazawa's eyes widen at the usage of first name and slowly pressed a hand on Shintarou's hair before ruffling it. "I'm great, Shin! Maybe we should just start on first name terms from now on... nee?"

   He grinned at this, his mood brighting at this and he sat up. "T-Then Hanabi-kun, will you stay with me tonight? I'm bored!" He pulled out a notebook and showed Hanabi a sketch of robots. "I'm planning to make these with Mr. Honda! I'll make it so amazing, you-" (A/n: '-Kun' is for boys...)

   Hanabi's eyelids are at its limit, feeling relaxed in the cold room and cosy spot. The feeling was contagious, sending them both into deep sleep.


Six years later...

    Hanabi stared at the empty room, frowning in shock while dropping the cake box, ignoring the consequences. It was suppose to be the birthday party for Junta-kun. The now 12-year-old teen was requested to purchase the cake from the first-class rated bakery. But as Hanabi returned, the servant came to an empty room. Signs of struggle littered the table, floor and ceiling. Hanabi even caught sight of blood splattered on the floor. 'T-This is-!?'

   The house phone began to ring, shocking Hanabi and the servant hurried over, heart pounding in fear. As Hanabi picked it up, a voice at the other side growled, "You're a failure as a guard, Miyazawa-CHAN~..." (A/N: Chan is for girls)

    With wide eyes, she banged a fist on the wall while muttering darkly, "Where did you take them, teme?" (A/N: Teme is a cursed word... )

   "Stop by at the Tokyo bay lighthouse in thirty minutes, if you wish to see them," stated the man before hanging up. 

  Silence filled the hall as the rain began to pour. Shintarou had asked his parents to let him bond with his brother, so now, without anyone else to ask for help, she began to tremble. 'W-What am I going to do? Sh-Should I just go? Th-They took Shin and Jun-nie... I-' A number suddenly appeared at the back of her mind and she dialled it in before tapping her foot on the carpet, awaiting for the other side of the line to pick up. 

   The caller ID blinked twice before the familiar deep voice of a. certain prince reached her ears. "Well? I don't have all day, Shintarou... Didn't you tell me not to contact you on this day to avoid disturbing your brothers birthday party?"

  "G-Gomen, Gion..." Sobbed the servant, trying her best to keep up her facade. "I-I need your help..."

  "I-Is this Miyazawa-k-kun?" He asked, unsure how to react at this. "Where's Shintarou? Why do you sound like a-"

   "SHIN WAS KIDNAPPED!" She cried, interrupting him before he could ask fully. "Please... Listen carefully...." She grabbed a hoodie and zipped it up while muttering softly, "I'm going to Tokyo Bay lighthouse now... Send a chopper or anything...Once they get out, take them and escape... I'll finish things..."

   "Wait a sec-" Gion tried protesting, only to be meet with a buzz. 'She hung up... This ain't a joke...' Glancing over at his silver haired butler, he muttered softly, "Get a chopper... We're heading for Japan ASAP..."


Twenty Minutes Later....

   The sight of blood drenching her uniform surprised the Italian prince and his servant. Shintarou and Junta was huddled safely in the helicopter they brought along. But the servant they once saw as a friend now stood 5 feet away, looking like a complete stranger. Her clothes were torn and her palm was scabbed after holding two blades during the battle. Her eyes were hollow, the bright emotion and joy she used to always have was completely eliminated. She couldn't even force a smile.

   "I'm taking a few years off... Master Hibino has already arranged my therapy..." She explained softly, avoiding Gions' eyes. "For the time I'm away... I-I beg you.." Very slowly, she lowered her upper body to a perfect ninety degree bow and sobbed, "T-Take care of Shin and Junnie..."

   Gion stared at this, ignoring the fact the rain was washing away the blood. Instead, it seemed like she herself and lost a ton of blood and looked as pale as a ghost. Livio had pulled out an umbrella for his master but was frozen in place at the blood and gore. When Gion stepped forward, Livio didn't even move an inch. The prince stood before Hanabi, eyeing her trembling figure and finally spoke;

"I know you'll come back to us, Hanabi..."

(A/N: So how was it? New, interesting, and improved, I find this book becoming an amazing one! Hope you all await the second chapter! Please add, vote and comment anything stupid!)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2020 ⏰

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