Chapter 15

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"The summer vacation is super close" Shinsou said. "Yeah, we should plan something for it!" Iida said. "There is a summer festival in like, two weeks" katsuki said. "We can go there together! We can even invite Uraraka and midoriya, they're basically a part of our group It'll be so fun" Todoroki said and smiled. "Yeah, we can all wear kimonos we'll be so pretty!!" Tsu said and smiled at the thought. "I don't... I don't have a kimono" katsuki said shyly. "I didn't go to a festival in like, five years" he said and looked down. "We can go and buy you one!" Shinsou said. "That's a good idea! We can hang out in the mall it'll be fun" Tsu said and smiled. "Yeah, that's actually a really good idea!" Katsuki agreed.

"Hey mom I'm going to the mall with some friends like, this weekend is that ok?" Katsuki asked his mom while helping her cooking. "Of course! And by the way, your friends seemed really nice! You should invite them over again sometime" mitsuki said and smiled. She never admitted it, but she never liked the people he hang out with in elementary school. She knew from a first look that they bring troubles, but she never told katsuki about it because she saw that he was happy with them, but she was worried all the time that someday they'll hurt him. and she was right. "Thanks!" Katsuki said. "And if you need any money I can give you some" mitsuki said. "Wait, but what about all the money that was in the envelope? I can use it" katsuki said. "No, save it when you'll need to buy a car, or a house, or anything like that. For a hangout at the mall I can give you some money" mitsuki said and smiled. "Thanks! You're the best" katsuki said and hugged her. "Well now keep on helping me, the rice cant cook itself you know" mitsuki said and katsuki laughed.

"Oh mom I forgot to ask, my friends invited me to the summer festival, can I go with them?" Izuku signed. "Of course! They seemed very nice" inko signed and smiled. "Well I didn't like the blonde guy." Kota signed in anger. "What? Why?" Inko asked and Izuku also looked at him. "He used to be a bully! Why would you trust him??" Kota signed in anger. "USED to be" eri said. "Yeah, he used to be. His way more nicer now" Izuku signed. "Fine. I'll trust you. You can go with them." Kota signed and Izuku smiled. "You know that I'm the one who need to allow him things right?" Inko said and they all laughed. "But if that blonde guy does something, I'll kill him!" Kota signed angrily and Izuku giggled. "Don't worry, he's not going to do anything bad! He's my friend" Izuku signed. 'He's my friend. And that's all.' Izuku thought to himself. "Fine if you say so" Kota signed.

Izuku was laying completely awake in his bed. He couldn't sleep, his mind was full of thoughts. He didn't want to go with his friends to the summer festival because he thought that he'll be just a bother, but he didn't want to disappoint them. 'I'll just try to stay away...' Izuku thought and closed his eyes.

"Bakugou. Bakugou. Bakugou. B A K U G O U" "huh?" Katsuki jumped a little. "BOi we thought you were dead for a second" Shinsou said. Shinsou, Tsu, todoroki and Iida were on their way to the mall to buy katsuki a kimono, and to also just hang out. "Oh sorry. I was just lost in thoughts" katsuki said and smiled. He couldn't stop thinking about what happened in the amusement park with Izuku and Mina. He really wanted to talk to Mina, and to ask her about it. He wanted to know why would she do that. "WE HAVE ARRIVED! GUYS PLEASE DONT RUN AROUND THE MALL AND LETS STAT AS A GROUP" Iida said/screamed. "Iida if you can please not scream into my ear I'll be able to park the car without killing all of us" Todoroki said and they all laughed, except for Iida who sat back.

"This place is so big! Where should we go first?" Tsu said as they all entered the mall. "Well, let's buy Bakugou a kimono first, to get it off of the list" Todoroki said and they all agreed. They entered a shop, and the let (forced) katsuki to try on everything. In the end he walked out of the dressing room with an orange kimono, and they all agreed that orange was his color and to buy that one.

"Todoroki you sure that it's ok to spend your dad's money like that?" Shinsou asked. "Well yeah. I had a fight with him yesterday so I took one of his credit cards. I'll deal with it later. For now let's buy more things" Todoroki said and smiled. "Sounds good to me" Tsu said and they all laughed.

"God I'm tired" Shinsou said. "You're always tired" katsuki said.
They had almost 5 bags of clothes and other stuff each hand.  "Let's finish for today" iida said "Really? I'm not sure that we maxed out even hundredth of his money" todoroki said and looked at his dad's credit card with sadness in his eyes. "We can go sit over there" shinsou said and pointed at a small park next to the mall. "Sounds good to me" katauki said and they all walked there.

"Hey there's an ice cream shop here. WHO WANTS TO BUY IT?" Todoroki said while slowly pulling out his dad's credit card. "Todoroki, do you have even a little bit of respect for your father?" Iida asked. "Nope" Todoroki said without hesitation. "Ok then. But we're NOT buying an ICE CREAM SHOP" Iida said. "Ugh fine. You're no fun" Todoroki said and put his dad's credit card back to his wallet. "I'll go get ice cream for us. You guys wait here" Iida said and walked to the ice cream shop. Shinsou, katsuki, Tsu, and todoroki were just sitting in the park, talking. Shinsou heard something behind them so he turned aroun, and saw a specific pink haired girl they didn't want to see walking out of the mall. "You've gotta be kidding me...." Shinsou mumbled with anger in his voice.

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